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Subject: RE: [ubl-ndrsc] First cut on Design Document

I imagine you won't see this till later, but for the immediate benefit of 

At 07:08 PM 11/13/01 -0500, CRAWFORD, Mark wrote:
>One problem - I have to be at a federal CIO Council XML working group 
>meeting tomorrow morning until 12.  Will call in as soon as I can, but 
>will be in route between the CIO Council meeting and Department of Labor 
>so won't be able to take any notes during discussion on outline. ;-(

We'll hold that agenda item until you're able to join us.  I can take notes.

> >Position paper management: I'd like to see the names of champions put
> >into the relevant section headers.
>Is this during discussions, or final version?

Just discussions, or rather, just as long as we don't have a final 
recommendation to put in there.  I don't mind publishing interim versions 
with placeholders that say the name of the champion, but if people would 
rather anonymize it somehow, that's fine too.

> >General style: It would be great if the blue quoted stuff could be
> >attributed in some simple manner (a one-line attribution or link),
> >because I'm not familiar with most of the sources you're quoting.
>Can do.  This works during discussions, but is not appropriate when we 
>publish.  We can convert into direct quotes and footnote if we decide to keep.

Real block quotes are fine, and as long as we're not violating copyright, I 
don't mind leaving the quotes in during interim published versions.

> >Design principles: We need to put the already-agreed-on design
> >principles somewhere.  Would they go in Section 3.3?  Sections 4.5-4.11?
>We need to decide on overall outline and then determine placement as 

My vote is to have a subsection dedicated to the high-level design 
principles approximately where the "general rules" section is now.  They 
are normative, but won't have explicit advice about element construction or 

In a short while, I will supply a candidate section along these lines; if 
folks think we need to break these up rather than keep them in one section, 
at least the content will be available in Word form...

Eve Maler                                    +1 781 442 3190
Sun Microsystems XML Technology Center   eve.maler @ sun.com

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