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Subject: [ubl-ndrsc] Fwd: Fwd: ISO 3166-1 -- Change of Alpha-3CodeElement forRomania

I'm stuck in a meeting today and likely
will miss the call in. But...

Here's some factoids to consider. Data at
may help to point the way to a best solution.

This page is in frames with a menu down the 
left side. Click on "Country & Currency Codes",
then "Country & Currency" and you'll see four
menu items. The first two are (1) "Countries" 
and (2) "Currencies per country".

When you examine (1), notice that they do not 
list the numeric equivalents from 3266-1, nor
do they list the "alpha3" codes. Notice also 
at the top that they tell you how to get a 
copy of ISO 3266-1, and that they provide the
data on this web page as an "ACCESS database 
table". This data is complete up to 2001-07-13.

When you examine (2) notice that alpha2 country
codes are given, and alpha3 and numeric currency
codes are given. Again, they also tell you how
to get a copy of ISO 3266-1, and that they provide
the data on this web page as an "ACCESS database 
table". This data is complete up to 2001-07-13.

On either (1) or (2), when you click on the link at
the top of the page, "the latest, updated ISO 
country code list", you'll see the following words
of caution:

"Please note: The Alpha-3 (three-letter) code elements
are not available from our website. They are not published
free of charge by ISO. The three-digit numeric code given
in ISO 3166-1 is developed and maintained by the United 
Nations Statistics Division in New York." 

My guess is if they charge for this extra letter (and who
knows why on Earth they would) they likely have copyrights
or some such that they enforce - just a guess. In answer to
a question Bill raised a while back, no this data is not
available in a web services form - everything provided seems
to lead to a screen scrape or download situation.

I downloaded a free set of codes, LOCODE 2001.1, and I note
they ONLY provide the alpha2 codes. And in this ZIP is some 
text that might serve us well to consider when we publish or
offer to maintain such lists. Part of this disclaimer is:

File: N:\LOCODE\LOC00\DISKETTE\LOC00-P1.ASC 11/04/00, 09:36:24
Part I

1.1 General Disclaimer
1 The designations employed and the presentation of the material in the
United Nations Code for ports and other locations (UN/LOCODE) do not
imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the
Secretariat of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any
country, territory, city or area, or of its authorities, or concerning
the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.

1.1.2 Reference to any private entity (company) does not imply
recognition or endorsement by the United Nations.

1.1.3 UN/LOCODE is provided as a service to users,
in the framework of the trade facilitation effort undertaken within the
United Nations Secretariat. The Secretariat has no means of verifying
the accuracy of the contents of UN/LOCODE but endeavours to obtain
approval thereof by national authorities and international bodies
concerned. The indication of status is intended to enable users to
assess the credibility of the code entries; particular care should be
exercised in using codes with status RQ (Request under consideration).
The United Nations Secretariat assumes no responsibility for any
economic or other damage consequential to the use of UN/LOCODE.

1.1.4 The presentation of location names in the
UN/LOCODE does not imply the expression of any opinion concerning the
legal status of any spelling of such names. The UN/LOCODE is provided
purely as a service to its users in the framework of trade facilitation.
In that context, the presentation of location names in the UN/LOCODE
should be regarded as the standard spelling of those names acceptable
for purposes associated with trade and transport.

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