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Subject: Re: [ubl-ndrsc] Newest XML Schemas of Business Documents

Sorry Gunther but i have had a closer look at the schemas and realise that i was mis-reading the *_03a schemas.  I realize you are doing the right thing.  However, I am confused about some of the entries.  For example:

In  UBL_Order_03a.xsd your have an entry for ContactE-mail.  Where did this come from?  Why isn't it in the Re-usable schema?

I suspect its because you did the consolidation yourself rather than rely on the sheets.  You can/should just rely on the spreadsheets (after removing all but the root definitions for each document type).  This is simpler and more reliable

Stuhec, Gunther wrote:
Newest XML Schemas of Business Documents

Hello all,

the attached zip-file includes the XML Schemas of the newest business documents from file UBL_spreadsheets_msg&reuse.zip.

I generated from each business document two different schemas. The version *_02.xsd or *_03.xsd respectively includes all BIEs, which are defined in the equivalent spreadsheets. And the version *_02a.xsd or *_03a.xsd respectively have a inclusion of the reusable types (UBL_reusable_0p2.xsd) and I deleted all same BIEs from this schemas. There still leaving some BIEs which can be reausable. What's about that BIEs?

Kind regards,



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