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Subject: [ubl-ndrsc] Updated NDRSC Agenda January 15 2003

Dear all
for some reason the message with the agenda got truncated. Here it is again:
Agenda for 15 January 2003 UBL NDR SC meeting

NOTE: We have 1 hour for NDR SC this week, rather than two.  So let's pick up 
our socks and flog the donkey.

The NDR SC will meet by phone on Wednesday, 15 January 2003, at 11:30am-12:30pm 
Eastern Standard Time:


Please use the following dial-in information, which will remain the same 
for the next 10 weeks

   Toll-free (from the U.S.)         +1 888 422-7116 
   International access/caller-paid  +1 608 250-1828
   Participant code                  398769 

NDR SC agenda:

1. Roll call (quorum is 8)
    See member list at http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/ubl/ndrsc/

2. Acceptance of minutes from past meetings (quorom not acheived for past 5 
    - Minutes for December 4th 2002 http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/ubl-
    - Minutes for November 27th 2002 http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/ubl-
    - Minutes for November 13th 2002 http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/ubl-
    - Minutes for November 6th 2002 http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/ubl-
    - Minutes for October 30th 2002     http://lists.oasis-
3. Adoption of agenda 

4. Status review

   Review of Action Items and Status: 

 Mavis Cournane and Lisa Seaburg
     Rules in NDR
 Gunther Stuhec
1. Finalize paper to reflect decision.
2. Develop section for NDR that identifies set of handcrafted xxx, develop 
handcrafted CCT identifiers, and develop rules as necessary for inclusion in 
the NDR document.

Matt Gertner
    Context Methodology Paper, Matt sends regrets, has finished his comments on 
the NDR document, and will have the Context document draft by next week.
 Arofan Gregory
    Write up for the Polymorphisim
Eve Maler
   Eve's comments from email about Action Items:   "The Code List Rules 
document needs a revision to take into account (a) the new supplementary 
components for codes/identifiers in CCTS V1.85 , and (b) edits to fix syntax 
errors that were pointed out by the UN/ECE people.  When you guys called me on 
my cell phone two Fridays ago, I told Mark I could commit to generating a new, 
hopefully final version by the end of December, but I doubt I'll get to it this 
week.  I'll try.
Regarding the code list white paper, there are a few things I could change on 
it, but it's really not too bad.  If you all could review it and send me 
comments, I can revise it by the end of December as well."

5. LCSC requests approval from NDR on the XSD schema, that it follows the 
NDR rules.
6. Local vs Global
7. Output of Schema from auto generated script did not put out correct 
schema, missing elements. (Gunther) 
8. Versioning
9. Adjourn

Mavis Cournane    +44 7816 904739
Cognitran Ltd     mavis.cournane@cognitran.com

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