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Subject: SV: [ubl] Spreadsheets for Extended Procurement Models

Hi Syvia

"END" is a processing instruction telling that no more lines are expected. I
am not the inventer of this but this is how I understand it and Tim M agree
with me.

Kind reagards


-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: Sylvia Webb [mailto:swebb@gefeg.com]
Sendt: 13. september 2005 00:16
Til: ubl-psc@lists.oasis-open.org; ubl@lists.oasis-open.org
Cc: Mark Leitch ; Jostein Frømyr
Emne: [ubl] Spreadsheets for Extended Procurement Models

Each of the spreadsheets has a row with the word "End".  Please explain what
this means and how it is to be used.

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