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Subject: Pending FIRTG issues

Dear PSC,

please find below the remaining FIRTG issues with pending actions or just waiting to be processed, with additional information and a solution provided.

I included also an issue that was accidentally only partially solved.

Attached the latest worksheet for reference.

Pending Action
Additional Info
Proposed Solution
To check the use of SignerParty
When the PaymentMandate information is provided into an  Order a there are some additional requirements:
1) An addtional electronic signature on the Order applied by a treasurer or a legal representative of a company or a delegate.   This signature could be a separate and different signature compared to that one applied by the issuer of the purchase order.

2) An identifier for the PaymentMandate Signer.  This is a "Person" (employee) not a "Party" (de jure) requested by the bank to provide his/her personal identification.
In Italy this identifier is a Fiscal Code of the Person acting as a treasurer, legal representative or delegate.
ISO20022 uses a generic PersonIdentification and there is a codelist with all PersonIdentification schemes (see: http://www.iso20022.org/documents/External_code_lists/Payment_ExternalCodeLists_09June09_v5.xls)
NOTE: This person identification ID is not available inside the XAdES signature.

3) A reference ID to the cac:Signature containing the specific electronic signature applied by the treasurer.
The solution is as follows:
1) Remove current SignerParty inside cac:PaymentMandate

2) Add a SignatoryPerson derived by cac:Person.

3) Modify cac:Person by adding a PersonID (0..1) identifier by recommending to use the ISO20022 PersonIdentification schemes through the following attributes:
- @schemeID = [see ISO20022 codelist]
- @schemeAgencyID = [code for ISO]
To be updated by eDoCreator.
Current disposition:
The session information is not related to the document but to the process.  We resolved to add a CollaborationID in order to correlate the document with its process.  Session data cannot be added on the way as the document could be signed. Add CollaboratioID in all documet below ProfileID.  See remark for definition

Not complete
We have accidentally forgot the 2nd part of this issue:
2) Add a new information item under PaymentMeans called <cac:FinancingAccount>  (0..1)

This is the separate financing account requested by the financial institution, used for Trade Financing purposes.
NOTE: The proposed solution on the right revises the name accordingly to reflect its type.
Add <cac:FinancingFinancialAccount>  (0..1) to the PaymentMeans

Waiting for further discussion
The end-2-end identifier, as intended by ISO20022, is the same concept of the cbc:InvoicingPartyReference we currently have in the UBL RemittanceAdvice document.
The definition is strictly that one provided by UBL 2.0, "The Invoicing Party's reference to the payment, previously requested of the Payer to accompany remittance."
Into UBL this is a textual reference and not an identifier, but the bigger problem is to clarify the relationship between this reconciliation reference information and the Invoice line items.
I think there is not a precise rule for this, as it is up to the Invoicing Party to indicate one or more references for reconciliation purposes.
Such reference could be associated to a single invoice line item, a set of line items, a complete invoice, more than one invoice and even different parts of different invoices.
The solution seems to be to provide this InvoicingPartyReference at line Item and in the root of the document (RemittanceAdvice and Invoices)
To be evaluated by Tim McGrath as this is a cross-domain information transported end-2-end for reconciliation purposes.  Also it impacts on many UBL documents (Invoice, RemittanceAdvice, ...)
(Was Rejected.)
Now accepted by  PB, but structure is to be approved.
Roberto Cisternino has further discussed with Peter Borresen to clarify the requirement for an IssuerParty intended as a third party providing the invoice issuing process in outsourcing.   Initially the name "issuer" was overlapping with the actual issuer role, so it has been decided to use a different terminology like "OutsourcingServiceProviderParty" or "OutsourcingProviderParty".
Specifically, an outer "OutsourcingServiceProviderParty" containing an inner cac:Party would be preferred (same way AccountingCustomerParty has been made), this way we could add an information item to qualify the kind of outsourcing is provided.

Add a new ABIE:

OutsourcingServiceProviderParty (0..n)
    - ID                                         (0..1)
    - OutsourcingServiceCode       (0..n)
    - Party                                     (0..1)
    - ServiceContact                      (0..1)
To be discussed
The WithholdingTaxTotal is either an Italian and Spanish requirement, but it is a well know use case  where the Debtor (Buyer) is requested to collect the tax for the Seller (Small and micro companies).
The original FIRTG issue was not correct or clear enough about how the Withholding tax total is working, so I point out below some important information:
1) The payable amount total is net of the withholding tax.
2) The withholding tax is not part of VAT but it is an income tax
3) The withholding tax is calculated, like VAT, from the taxable amount using a rate.
4) The withholding tax is a total amount to be showed separately
The actual TaxTotal seems to be sufficient as the Withholding Tax can be expressed using a different TaxScheme for that purpose and separated from VAT.

The issue can be removed, but a sample in the guidelines would be preferred for this particular case.
Waiting fro further discussion
If the account owner is a private person and not an organization, the bank requires a Person identification (Fiscal code, SSN, Passport ID, ...) of the account Owner.

Example: In Italy the Owner's fiscal code is required (Codice Fiscale)

NOTE: Uses the same "PersonIdentification" codelist above mentioned (ISO20022)
Add a cbc:OwnerID (0..1) to the cac:FinancialAccount

Best regards



JAVEST by Roberto Cisternino

mobile: +39 328 2148123
skype: roberto.cisternino.ubl-itlsc
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UBL-2 0-Issues-2009-12-16-FIRTG.xls.xls

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