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Subject: AW: [ubl] Re: [ubl-ssc] Schema comparison

Hello SSC,

Issues and Possible Bugs in EF alignment 2004-12-07 (sdg)

1. CurrencyCode values - at least one previously illegal code value is found
in the currency code list

DK: The error is in the code list text file. The code is doubled.

2. Errors in UBLAmount mean code not enumerated - same design needed as in
published 1.0-cd

DK: I mentioned that there are no information in the spreadsheet EF can

3. In CodeList Schemas simpleContent has been changed to complexContent (due
to finding that XML Spy didn't like
   the simpleContent ?)
   - same in corresponding place in Currency in SDT Schema
   but I think this means that a new EF SDT Schema will not be compatible
with the 1.0 Currency CodeList Schema

4. possible errors in common lead to a LineItemCountNumeric error message

5. possible errors in maindocs lead to a CopyIndicator error message

DK: 3. 4. and 5.
You are right. All complexTypes for BBIEs have "complexContent". This is
because I used my personell development version to create the schemas.
Normally it has "simpleContent" as it should be according to the NDR.

6. codelsist OK except two trailing space errors - one the lack of escaping
of `SPACE`, the other a new
     trailing space in codeListURI attribute in AllowanceChargeReasonCode

DK: I have not improved the export to UBL schemas so far concerning cutting
trailing spaces and so on. As I understand I should only implement some
changes if I get an official request from the ssc.

Best Regards,


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