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Subject: RE: [ubl-tsc] Issues from DOT team

Thanks Dave.


We’ll review your comments and I’ll put it as an agenda item in the next TSC meeting on 23 March 06.



Since the comment also contains procurement components could you kindly forward it to the PSC mailing list.





From: Fitzpatrick David [mailto:fitzpatrick_david@bah.com]
Sent: Wednesday, March 08, 2006 9:39 AM
To: ubl-tsc@lists.oasis-open.org
Cc: Michael.Onder@dot.gov
Subject: [ubl-tsc] Issues from DOT team


Per Kama's request, attached is a list of issues, of various types, that the US DOT team has identified and that particularly pertain to the use of UBL for our demonstration test.  One in particular that we're interested in your thoughts on is the first item, regarding the large file size of a sample document.  We're not sure at this stage whether we're doing things correctly --- is there any other experience on this subject?


The list was contributed to by the team, which includes Andy Schoka and myself; but also several other folks who do not regularly participate on the UBL sub/committees.


We look forward to discussing this and welcome your feedback.




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