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Subject: RE: [ubl-lcsc] NDR rule ELD2:All element declarations MUST be global with the exception of ID and Code

A global element is declared at the same level as the root element.  A local element is declared within a type definition.  All UBL elements are globally declared (at the level of the root element) with the exception of ID and Code which are declared locally.  The practical affect of this is that all elements, with the exception of ID and Code elements, are declared outside of type definitions.  Wherever an element other than an ID or Code element occur within a type definition, it appears as a reference to the global element.   
As an additive to this discussion, a week or so back I raised the question:  Are the global element declarations really BBIE properties rather than BBIEs since we are not including the object classes, and are the reffed occurences within types really the BBIEs since that is where they inherit the object class of the type.


From: Michael Dill [mailto:dill2@gefeg.com]
Sent: Tue 2/17/2004 7:51 AM
To: ubl-lcsc@lists.oasis-open.org
Cc: Ubl-Ttsc@Lists. Oasis-Open. Org; David Kruppke; CRAWFORD, Mark
Subject: [ubl-lcsc] NDR rule ELD2:All element declarations MUST be global with the exception of ID and Code

1. probably we are behind your understanding of the meaning of 'local': 
What does the term 'local' and 'global' mean in this context? 
I've been told that normal schema people would understand, that the 
following ID declaration from the 'despatch advice' as of Stephens latest 
run is a not a local one: 
<xsd:element name="DespatchAdvice" type="DespatchAdviceType" /> 
  <xsd:complexType name="DespatchAdviceType"> 
      <xsd:element ref="cbc:ID" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"> 

2. In the schemas there are always elements called 'ID' but there is no 
element called 'Code'. In the latter case we have always any preceeding 
terms. Let me assume, that this is correct. Then the wording of the rule 
could/should(?) say "be global with the exception of Identifier elements and 
Code elements". This would avoid the impression that the words 'ID' and 
both identify specific kind of elements AND give their (local) tag. 

(Anyway, we have implemented to generate schemas exactly as above) 

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