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Subject: RE: [ubl] Minor Versioning Example (was [ubl]Minutesof Atlanti cUBL TC c all2 November 2005)

I tried this out this afternoon (nothing better to do :-)
and I did get a problem when I came to try to customise
a minor version (based on 2.0 draft 2). I'm not sure what
the problem is - but I'll send the files in case someone can
find it out. The problem is with file 
/my-xsdrt/maindoc/My-UBL-Order-2.1.xsd in the package
attached, where I try to use a substitution group with
a schema already derived by redefine.

I had to use the 2.0 schema draft set (from August) since
I foresaw problems deriving with imports when there were
some locally declared elements (IDs and Codes) in 1.0

A point to note -
we need, I guess, to change namespaces to "...-2" from "...-2.0"
and this applies to the CCP hand crafted schema too

All the best


>>> "Stephen Green" <stephen_green@bristol-city.gov.uk> 07/11/05 14:29:22 >>>
OK. Mike's example resolved my earlier concerns. 

Might I mention a new one. Eduardo and Arofan's paper
in section 4.1.3 mentions this. 
If the namespace is the same for minor versions could that
hinder customisations? A customisation has to be bound,
obviously, to a particular minor or major version and must
be immune from any affect of further minor versioning.

(This requires some assumptions about how customisation
might be done/recommended but the most obvious
mechanism is import/substitution groups while the Swedish
invoice customisation does demonstrate an alternative, I think.)

Of course it could be a rule that one only customises from
major versions. But what are the implications that a minor
version would introduce another schema model with the 
same namespace? Does this make it important to keep the
names of schema files from changing when importing for
a customisation?

This still doesn't change my agreement that we should use
redefine for minor versions, it's just something I think we
should think through (even in advance of the customisation

All the best


>>> Grimley Michael J NPRI <GrimleyMJ@Npt.NUWC.Navy.Mil> 04/11/05 18:43:07 >>>

The schemas validate at the NIST XML Schema and Instance Validation Web Services site (http://syseng.nist.gov/b2bTestbed/projects/xmlvalidation/schema_validation.html) which utilizes the  Xerces, Jing  and MSV parsers.

The instances also validate in Arbortext Epic Editor 5.1. Although this will not be a tool used by UBL implementers, I have found in the past that it is a good barometer of what is supported by mainstream XML applications.

-----Original Message-----
From: Grimley Michael J NPRI 
Sent: Friday, 04 November 2005 1213
To: ubl@lists.oasis-open.org 
Subject: RE: [ubl] Minor Versioning Example (was [ubl] Minutes of Atlantic UBL TC c all2 November 2005)

> How do other tools and validators cope with it?
> Does it have the same tool support to visualise an 'audit trail' (such as to show where a complexType is derived from another with a name change)?

I will try it out with other tools as soon as I can (which may not be for a while).
Hopefully some of our other members can give it a try...

> Does it force the use of the same namespace for minor versions?

Yes; that is why it can't be used by customizers.

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