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Subject: Definitions in WD8 that are duplicated

At 2006-07-10 11:25 +0000, tmcgrath@portcomm.com.au wrote:
>This latest draft of the spreadsheets incorporates revised Dictionary Entry
>Names and other editorial corrections.  Many of these errors were
>identified in the emails:
>It should be decided by the TC as to if and when this draft should be used
>for the next set of schema generations.
>I have asked that it be discussed on the Pacific and Atlantic calls this

In light of my earlier discovery of an 
inappropriately duplicated definition, below is a 
lengthy list of duplicated definitions indicating 
which UBL Name and class has each of the 
duplicated definitions.  I note many of them are 
appropriate, but just in case some are not I've left the list intact.

I hope this helps.

. . . . . . . . . . Ken

A catalogue line is the basic element of 
catalogue, it is something that can be bought.:
  CommonLibrary: CatalogueLine (Catalogue Line)
  CommonLibrary: CatalogueRequestLine (Catalogue Request Line)

A computer-generated universally unique 
identifier (UUID) for the Catalogue Revision instance:
  CatalogueItemSpecificationUpdate: UUID (Catalogue Item Specification Update)
  CataloguePricingUpdate: UUID (Catalogue Pricing Update)

A computer-generated universally unique 
identifier (UUID) for the document instance.:
  CommonLibrary: UUID (Classification Scheme)
  AttachedDocument: UUID (Attached Document)

A computer-generated universally unique 
identifier (UUID) for the Invoice instance:
  FreightInvoice: UUID (Freight Invoice)
  Invoice: UUID (Invoice)
  Reminder: UUID (Reminder)

A computer-generated universally unique 
identifier (UUID) for the Order instance:
  CommonLibrary: UUID (Reminder Line)
  Order: UUID (Order)

A description of the catalogue:
  CommonLibrary: Description (Catalogue Reference)
  Catalogue: Description (Catalogue)

A description of the Catalogue Revision:
  CatalogueItemSpecificationUpdate: Description 
(Catalogue Item Specification Update)
  CataloguePricingUpdate: Description (Catalogue Pricing Update)

A name given to the Catalogue Revision:
  CatalogueItemSpecificationUpdate: Name (Catalogue Item Specification Update)
  CataloguePricingUpdate: Name (Catalogue Pricing Update)

a reference to identfy the section (or line) of 
the document to which the response applies:
  CommonLibrary: ReferenceID (Response)
  CommonLibrary: ID (Signature)

A separately identifiable collection of goods 
items (available to be) transported from one 
consignor to one consignee via one or more modes of transport.:
  CommonLibrary: Consignment (Consignment)
  WayBill: Shipment (Waybill)

A supplementary reference for the Order.:
  Order: CustomerReference (Order)
  RemittanceAdvice: PaymentOrderReference (Remittance Advice)

A term used in commerce in reference to certain 
duties, called ad valorem duties, which are 
levied on commodities at certain rates per centum on their value.:
  BillOfLading: AdValoremIndicator (Bill Of Lading)
  ForwardingInstructions: AdValoremIndicator (Forwarding Instructions)
  WayBill: AdValoremIndicator (Waybill)

A territorial division of a country such as a county or state:
  CommonLibrary: CountrySubentity (Address)
  CommonLibrary: CountrySubentity (Location)

A unique instance identifier for the line in this catalogue document.:
  CommonLibrary: ID (Catalogue Item Specification Update Line)
  CommonLibrary: ID (Catalogue Line)
  CommonLibrary: ID (Catalogue Pricing Update Line)
  CommonLibrary: ID (Catalogue Request Line)

Additional information about the hazardous 
substance. Can be used to specify information 
such as the type of regulatory requirements that apply to a description:
  CommonLibrary: AdditionalInformation (Hazardous Item)
  CommonLibrary: Extension (Secondary Hazard)

an accounting cost code applied to the invoice as a whole:
  SelfBilledInvoice: AccountingCostCode (Self Billed Invoice)
  SelfBilledInvoice: AccountingCost (Self Billed Invoice)

An accounting cost code applied to the order as a whole:
  OrderResponse: AccountingCostCode (Order Response)
  OrderResponse: AccountingCost (Order Response)

an accounting cost code applied to the order as a whole:
  OrderResponseSimple: AccountingCostCode (Order Response Simple)
  OrderResponseSimple: AccountingCost (Order Response Simple)

An association to a Despatch Advice:
  FreightInvoice: DespatchDocumentReference (Freight Invoice)
  Invoice: DespatchDocumentReference (Invoice)
  ReceiptAdvice: DespatchDocumentReference (Receipt Advice)

An association to a framework agreement or contract:
  Catalogue: ReferencedContract (Catalogue)
  CatalogueDeletion: ReferencedContract (Catalogue Deletion)
ReferencedContract (Catalogue Item Specification Update)
  CataloguePricingUpdate: ReferencedContract (Catalogue Pricing Update)
  CatalogueRequest: ReferencedContract (Catalogue Request)
  CreditNote: ContractDocumentReference (Credit Note)
  DebitNote: ContractDocumentReference (Debit Note)
  FreightInvoice: ContractDocumentReference (Freight Invoice)
  Invoice: ContractDocumentReference (Invoice)
  Order: Contract (Order)
  OrderCancellation: Contract (Order Cancellation)
  OrderChange: Contract (Order Change)
  OrderResponse: Contract (Order Response)
  Quotation: Contract (Quotation)
  RequestForQuotation: Contract (Request For Quotation)
  SelfBilledCreditNote: ContractDocumentReference (Self Billed Credit Note)

An association to a Freight Forwarder or Carrier:
  Order: FreightForwarderParty (Order)
  OrderChange: FreightForwarderParty (Order Change)
  OrderResponse: FreightForwarderParty (Order Response)

An association to a Quotation:
  Order: QuotationDocumentReference (Order)
  OrderChange: QuotationDocumentReference (Order Change)

An association to a Receipt Advice:
  FreightInvoice: ReceiptDocumentReference (Freight Invoice)
  Invoice: ReceiptDocumentReference (Invoice)

An association to Additional Item Property:
  CommonLibrary: AdditionalItemProperty (Item Instance)
  CommonLibrary: AdditionalItemProperty (Lot Identification)

An association to Address:
  CommonLibrary: Address (Branch)
  CommonLibrary: Address (Financial Institution)
  CommonLibrary: ApplicableAddress (Trading Terms)

An association to Allowance Charge:
  CommonLibrary: AllowanceCharge (Billing Reference Line)
  CommonLibrary: AllowanceCharge (Delivery Terms)
  CommonLibrary: AllowanceCharge (Invoice Line)
  CommonLibrary: AllowanceCharge (Line Item)
  CommonLibrary: AllowanceCharge (Price)

An association to Allowances and Charges that apply to the Invoice as a whole:
  FreightInvoice: AllowanceCharge (Freight Invoice)
  Invoice: AllowanceCharge (Invoice)
  Reminder: AllowanceCharge (Reminder)

An association to an Order:
  CreditNote: OrderReference (Credit Note)
  DebitNote: OrderReference (Debit Note)
  DespatchAdvice: OrderReference (Despatch Advice)
  FreightInvoice: OrderReference (Freight Invoice)
  Invoice: OrderReference (Invoice)
  OrderResponse: OrderReference (Order Response)
  ReceiptAdvice: OrderReference (Receipt Advice)
  SelfBilledCreditNote: OrderReference (Self Billed Credit Note)

An association to an Originator Document:
  FreightInvoice: OriginatorDocumentReference (Freight Invoice)
  Invoice: OriginatorDocumentReference (Invoice)

An association to an Originator document:
  Order: OriginatorDocumentReference (Order)
  OrderCancellation: OriginatorDocumentReference (Order Cancellation)
  OrderChange: OriginatorDocumentReference (Order Change)
  OrderResponse: OriginatorDocumentReference (Order Response)

An association to Billing Reference:
  CommonLibrary: BillingReference (Credit Note Line)
  CommonLibrary: BillingReference (Debit Note Line)
  CommonLibrary: BillingReference (Invoice Line)
  CommonLibrary: BillingReference (Statement Line)

An association to Contact:
  CommonLibrary: Contact (Despatch)
  CommonLibrary: Contact (Party)

An association to Country:
  CommonLibrary: Country (Address)
  CommonLibrary: Country (Financial Account)

An association to Delivery:
  CommonLibrary: Delivery (Invoice Line)
  CommonLibrary: Delivery (Line Item)
  CommonLibrary: Delivery (Shipment)
  Invoice: Delivery (Invoice)
  Order: Delivery (Order)
  OrderChange: Delivery (Order Change)
  OrderResponse: Delivery (Order Response)
  Quotation: Delivery (Quotation)
  RequestForQuotation: Delivery (Request For Quotation)

An association to Delivery Terms:
  CommonLibrary: DeliveryTerms (Invoice Line)
  CommonLibrary: DeliveryTerms (Line Item)
  Invoice: DeliveryTerms (Invoice)
  Order: DeliveryTerms (Order)
  OrderChange: DeliveryTerms (Order Change)
  OrderResponse: DeliveryTerms (Order Response)
  Quotation: DeliveryTerms (Quotation)
  RequestForQuotation: DeliveryTerms (Request For Quotation)

An association to Despatch Line Reference:
  CommonLibrary: DespatchLineReference (Invoice Line)
  CommonLibrary: DespatchLineReference (Receipt Line)

An association to Dimension:
  CommonLibrary: MeasurementDimension (Transport Equipment)
  CommonLibrary: MeasurementDimension (Transport Handling Unit)

An association to Document Reference:
  CommonLibrary: DocumentReference (Catalogue Line)
  CommonLibrary: DocumentReference (Credit Note Line)
  CommonLibrary: DocumentReference (Debit Note Line)
  CommonLibrary: DocumentReference (Despatch Line)
  CommonLibrary: DocumentReference (Invoice Line)
  CommonLibrary: DocumentReference (Line Reference)
  CommonLibrary: DocumentReference (Order Line)
  CommonLibrary: DocumentReference (Order Reference)
  CommonLibrary: DocumentReference (Quotation Line)
  CommonLibrary: DocumentReference (Receipt Line)
  CommonLibrary: DocumentReference (Remittance Advice Line)
  CommonLibrary: DocumentReference (Request For Quotation Line)
  CommonLibrary: DocumentReference (Statement Line)
  CommonLibrary: DocumentReference (Transaction Conditions)

An association to Exchange Rate between the 
Document Currency and the Payment Alternative Currency:
  CreditNote: PaymentAlternativeExchangeRate (Credit Note)
  DebitNote: PaymentAlternativeExchangeRate (Debit Note)
  FreightInvoice: PaymentAlternativeExchangeRate (Freight Invoice)
  Invoice: PaymentAlternativeExchangeRate (Invoice)
  Reminder: PaymentAlternativeExchangeRate (Reminder)
  SelfBilledInvoice: PaymentAlternativeExchangeRate (Self Billed Invoice)

An association to Exchange Rate between the 
Document Currency and the Payment Currency:
  CreditNote: PaymentExchangeRate (Credit Note)
  DebitNote: PaymentExchangeRate (Debit Note)
  FreightInvoice: PaymentExchangeRate (Freight Invoice)
  Invoice: PaymentExchangeRate (Invoice)
  Reminder: PaymentExchangeRate (Reminder)
  SelfBilledInvoice: PaymentExchangeRate (Self Billed Invoice)

An association to Exchange Rate between the 
Document Currency and the Pricing Currency:
  CreditNote: PricingExchangeRate (Credit Note)
  DebitNote: PricingExchangeRate (Debit Note)
  FreightInvoice: PricingExchangeRate (Freight Invoice)
  Invoice: PricingExchangeRate (Invoice)
  Reminder: PricingExchangeRate (Reminder)
  SelfBilledCreditNote: PricingExchangeRate (Self Billed Credit Note)
  SelfBilledInvoice: PricingExchangeRate (Self Billed Invoice)

An association to Exchange Rate between the 
Document Currency and the Tax Currency:
  CreditNote: TaxExchangeRate (Credit Note)
  DebitNote: TaxExchangeRate (Debit Note)
  FreightInvoice: TaxExchangeRate (Freight Invoice)
  Invoice: TaxExchangeRate (Invoice)
  Reminder: TaxExchangeRate (Reminder)
  SelfBilledCreditNote: TaxExchangeRate (Self Billed Credit Note)
  SelfBilledInvoice: TaxExchangeRate (Self Billed Invoice)

An association to Invoice Period:
  CommonLibrary: ReminderPeriod (Reminder Line)
  CommonLibrary: InvoicePeriod (Remittance Advice Line)
  CommonLibrary: InvoicePeriod (Statement Line)

An association to Item:
  CommonLibrary: Item (Despatch Line)
  CommonLibrary: Item (Invoice Line)
  CommonLibrary: Item (Line Item)

An association to Item Instance:
  CommonLibrary: ItemInstance (Invoice Line)
  CommonLibrary: ItemInstance (Item)

An association to Line Item:
  CommonLibrary: LineItem (Order Line)
  CommonLibrary: LineItem (Quotation Line)
  CommonLibrary: LineItem (Request For Quotation Line)

An association to one or more Invoice Lines:
  FreightInvoice: InvoiceLine (Freight Invoice)
  Invoice: InvoiceLine (Invoice)
  Reminder: ReminderLine (Reminder)

An association to one or more Order Lines:
  Order: OrderLine (Order)
  OrderResponse: OrderLine (Order Response)

An association to Order Line Reference:
  CommonLibrary: OrderLineReference (Despatch Line)
  CommonLibrary: OrderLineReference (Invoice Line)
  CommonLibrary: OrderLineReference (Receipt Line)

An association to other billing documents.:
  CreditNote: BillingReference (Credit Note)
  DebitNote: BillingReference (Debit Note)
  FreightInvoice: BillingReference (Freight Invoice)
  RemittanceAdvice: BillingReference (Remittance Advice)
  SelfBilledCreditNote: BillingReference (Self Billed Credit Note)

An association to other documents:
  CatalogueRequest: DocumentReference (Catalogue Request)
  CreditNote: AdditionalDocumentReference (Credit Note)
  DebitNote: AdditionalDocumentReference (Debit Note)
  DespatchAdvice: AdditionalDocumentReference (Despatch Advice)
  FreightInvoice: AdditionalDocumentReference (Freight Invoice)
  Invoice: AdditionalDocumentReference (Invoice)
  Order: AdditionalDocumentReference (Order)
  OrderCancellation: AdditionalDocumentReference (Order Cancellation)
  OrderChange: AdditionalDocumentReference (Order Change)
  OrderResponse: AdditionalDocumentReference (Order Response)
  OrderResponseSimple: AdditionalDocumentReference (Order Response Simple)
  Quotation: AdditionalDocumentReference (Quotation)
  ReceiptAdvice: AdditionalDocumentReference (Receipt Advice)
  Reminder: AdditionalDocumentReference (Reminder)
  RequestForQuotation: AdditionalDocumentReference (Request For Quotation)
  SelfBilledCreditNote: AdditionalDocumentReference (Self Billed Credit Note)
  Statement: AdditionalDocumentReference (Statement)

An association to other Orders:
  Order: OrderDocumentReference (Order)
  OrderResponse: OrderDocumentReference (Order Response)

An association to Party:
  CommonLibrary: Party (Customer Party)
  CommonLibrary: Party (Supplier Party)

An association to Payment Means:
  CommonLibrary: PaymentMeans (Allowance Charge)
  CommonLibrary: PaymentMeans (Statement Line)
  FreightInvoice: PaymentMeans (Freight Invoice)
  Invoice: PaymentMeans (Invoice)
  Order: PaymentMeans (Order)
  OrderChange: PaymentMeans (Order Change)
  OrderResponse: PaymentMeans (Order Response)
  Reminder: PaymentMeans (Reminder)
  RemittanceAdvice: PaymentMeans (Remittance Advice)
  Statement: PaymentMeans (Statement)

An association to Payment Terms:
  CommonLibrary: PaymentTerms (Invoice Line)
  CommonLibrary: PaymentTerms (Statement Line)
  FreightInvoice: PaymentTerms (Freight Invoice)
  Invoice: PaymentTerms (Invoice)
  Reminder: PaymentTerms (Reminder)
  Statement: PaymentTerms (Statement)

An association to period(s) to which the Invoice applies:
  FreightInvoice: InvoicePeriod (Freight Invoice)
  Invoice: InvoicePeriod (Invoice)
  Reminder: ReminderPeriod (Reminder)

An association to prepaid payment(s):
  DebitNote: PrepaidPayment (Debit Note)
  FreightInvoice: PrepaidPayment (Freight Invoice)
  Invoice: PrepaidPayment (Invoice)
  Reminder: PrepaidPayment (Reminder)
  SelfBilledInvoice: PrepaidPayment (Self Billed Invoice)

An association to Price:
  CommonLibrary: Price (Item Location Quantity)
  CommonLibrary: Price (Line Item)

An association to Pricing Reference:
  CommonLibrary: PricingReference (Credit Note Line)
  CommonLibrary: PricingReference (Debit Note Line)
  CommonLibrary: PricingReference (Invoice Line)
  CommonLibrary: PricingReference (Line Item)

An association to Shipment:
  CommonLibrary: Shipment (Despatch Line)
  CommonLibrary: Shipment (Ordered Shipment)
  FreightInvoice: Shipment (Freight Invoice)

An association to Tax Category:
  CommonLibrary: TaxCategory (Allowance Charge)
  CommonLibrary: ApplicableTaxCategory (Item Location Quantity)
  CommonLibrary: TaxCategory (Tax Sub Total)

An association to Tax Scheme:
  CommonLibrary: TaxScheme (Party Tax Scheme)
  CommonLibrary: TaxScheme (Tax Category)

An association to Tax Total:
  CommonLibrary: TaxTotal (Allowance Charge)
  CommonLibrary: TaxTotal (Credit Note Line)
  CommonLibrary: TaxTotal (Debit Note Line)
  CommonLibrary: TaxTotal (Invoice Line)

An association to tax total for specific tax types/rates:
  CreditNote: TaxTotal (Credit Note)
  DebitNote: TaxTotal (Debit Note)
  FreightInvoice: TaxTotal (Freight Invoice)
  Invoice: TaxTotal (Invoice)
  Reminder: TaxTotal (Reminder)
  SelfBilledCreditNote: TaxTotal (Self Billed Credit Note)

An association to the Accounting Customer Party:
  CommonLibrary: AccountingCustomerParty (Statement Line)
  CreditNote: AccountingCustomerParty (Credit Note)
  DebitNote: AccountingCustomerParty (Debit Note)
  Invoice: AccountingCustomerParty (Invoice)
  OrderChange: AccountingCustomerParty (Order Change)
  Reminder: AccountingCustomerParty (Reminder)
  RemittanceAdvice: AccountingCustomerParty (Remittance Advice)
  SelfBilledCreditNote: AccountingCustomerParty (Self Billed Credit Note)
  SelfBilledCreditNote: AccountingSupplierParty (Self Billed Credit Note)
  Statement: AccountingCustomerParty (Statement)

An association to the Accounting Supplier Party:
  CommonLibrary: AccountingSupplierParty (Statement Line)
  CreditNote: AccountingSupplierParty (Credit Note)
  DebitNote: AccountingSupplierParty (Debit Note)
  FreightInvoice: AccountingSupplierParty (Freight Invoice)
  Invoice: AccountingSupplierParty (Invoice)
  Reminder: AccountingSupplierParty (Reminder)
  RemittanceAdvice: AccountingSupplierParty (Remittance Advice)
  Statement: AccountingSupplierParty (Statement)

An association to the Buyer:
  CommonLibrary: BuyerCustomerParty (Remittance Advice Line)
  CommonLibrary: BuyerCustomerParty (Statement Line)
  DespatchAdvice: BuyerCustomerParty (Despatch Advice)
  Invoice: BuyerCustomerParty (Invoice)
  Order: BuyerCustomerParty (Order)
  OrderCancellation: BuyerCustomerParty (Order Cancellation)
  OrderChange: BuyerCustomerParty (Order Change)
  OrderResponse: BuyerCustomerParty (Order Response)
  OrderResponseSimple: BuyerCustomerParty (Order Response Simple)
  ReceiptAdvice: BuyerCustomerParty (Receipt Advice)
  Statement: BuyerCustomerParty (Statement)

An association to the Catalogue containing the revised Items:
RelatedCatalogueReference (Catalogue Item Specification Update)
  CataloguePricingUpdate: RelatedCatalogueReference (Catalogue Pricing Update)

An association to the Catalogue Provider Party:
  Catalogue: ProviderParty (Catalogue)
  CatalogueDeletion: ProviderParty (Catalogue Deletion)
  CatalogueItemSpecificationUpdate: ProviderParty 
(Catalogue Item Specification Update)
  CataloguePricingUpdate: ProviderParty (Catalogue Pricing Update)
  CatalogueRequest: ProviderParty (Catalogue Request)

An association to the Catalogue Receiver Party:
  Catalogue: ReceiverParty (Catalogue)
  CatalogueDeletion: ReceiverParty (Catalogue Deletion)
  CatalogueItemSpecificationUpdate: ReceiverParty 
(Catalogue Item Specification Update)
  CataloguePricingUpdate: ReceiverParty (Catalogue Pricing Update)
  CatalogueRequest: ReceiverParty (Catalogue Request)

An association to the country of destination (for 
customs purposes for potential orders):
  Quotation: DestinationCountry (Quotation)
  RequestForQuotation: DestinationCountry (Request For Quotation)

An association to the country of destination (for customs purposes):
  Order: DestinationCountry (Order)
  OrderChange: DestinationCountry (Order Change)

An association to the description of properties 
related to locations and quantities of the item.:
  CommonLibrary: RequiredItemLocationQuantity (Catalogue Line)
  CommonLibrary: RequiredItemLocationQuantity (Catalogue Pricing Update Line)
  CommonLibrary: RequiredItemLocationQuantity (Catalogue Request Line)

An association to the Exchange Rate (between the 
Statement Line currency and the Related Document Currency):
  CommonLibrary: ExchangeRate (Reminder Line)
  CommonLibrary: ExchangeRate (Statement Line)

An association to the Item itself.:
  CommonLibrary: Item (Catalogue Item Specification Update Line)
  CommonLibrary: Item (Catalogue Line)
  CommonLibrary: Item (Catalogue Request Line)

An association to the Originator:
  CommonLibrary: OriginatorCustomerParty (Remittance Advice Line)
  CommonLibrary: OriginatorCustomerParty (Statement Line)
  Order: OriginatorCustomerParty (Order)
  OrderCancellation: OriginatorCustomerParty (Order Cancellation)
  OrderResponse: OriginatorCustomerParty (Order Response)
  OrderResponseSimple: OriginatorCustomerParty (Order Response Simple)
  Quotation: OriginatorCustomerParty (Quotation)
  RequestForQuotation: OriginatorCustomerParty (Request For Quotation)
  Statement: OriginatorCustomerParty (Statement)

An association to the Party receiving this document.:
  ApplicationResponse: ReceiverParty (Application Response)
  AttachedDocument: ReceiverParty (Attached Document)

An association to the Party sending this document.:
  ApplicationResponse: SenderParty (Application Response)
  AttachedDocument: SenderParty (Attached Document)

An association to the Payee:
  CommonLibrary: PayeeParty (Remittance Advice Line)
  CommonLibrary: PayeeParty (Statement Line)
  CreditNote: PayeeParty (Credit Note)
  DebitNote: PayeeParty (Debit Note)
  FreightInvoice: PayeeParty (Freight Invoice)
  Invoice: PayeeParty (Invoice)
  Reminder: PayeeParty (Reminder)
  RemittanceAdvice: PayeeParty (Remittance Advice)
  SelfBilledCreditNote: PayeeParty (Self Billed Credit Note)
  Statement: PayeeParty (Statement)

An association to the Seller:
  CommonLibrary: SellerSupplierParty (Remittance Advice Line)
  CommonLibrary: SellerSupplierParty (Statement Line)
  CommonLibrary: OrderContact (Supplier Party)
  DespatchAdvice: SellerSupplierParty (Despatch Advice)
  Invoice: SellerSupplierParty (Invoice)
  Order: SellerSupplierParty (Order)
  OrderCancellation: SellerSupplierParty (Order Cancellation)
  OrderChange: SellerSupplierParty (Order Change)
  OrderResponse: SellerSupplierParty (Order Response)
  OrderResponseSimple: SellerSupplierParty (Order Response Simple)
  Quotation: SellerSupplierParty (Quotation)
  ReceiptAdvice: SellerSupplierParty (Receipt Advice)
  RequestForQuotation: SellerSupplierParty (Request For Quotation)
  Statement: SellerSupplierParty (Statement)

An association to the Tax Representative:
  CreditNote: TaxRepresentativeParty (Credit Note)
  DebitNote: TaxRepresentativeParty (Debit Note)
  FreightInvoice: TaxRepresentativeParty (Freight Invoice)
  Invoice: TaxRepresentativeParty (Invoice)
  Reminder: TaxRepresentativeParty (Reminder)
  SelfBilledCreditNote: TaxRepresentativeParty (Self Billed Credit Note)
  SelfBilledInvoice: TaxRepresentativeParty (Self Billed Invoice)

An association to the total amount payable on the 
Invoice including Allowances, Charges and Taxes:
  FreightInvoice: LegalTotal (Freight Invoice)
  Invoice: LegalTotal (Invoice)
  Reminder: LegalTotal (Reminder)

An association to trading terms:
  Catalogue: TradingTerms (Catalogue)
  CatalogueItemSpecificationUpdate: TradingTerms 
(Catalogue Item Specification Update)
  CataloguePricingUpdate: TradingTerms (Catalogue Pricing Update)
  CatalogueRequest: TradingTerms (Catalogue Request)

An association to Validity Period:
  CommonLibrary: ValidityPeriod (Contract)
  CommonLibrary: ValidityPeriod (Price)
  CommonLibrary: ValidityPeriod (Price List)

An assosiation to the Seller of the Item:
  CommonLibrary: SellerSupplierParty (Catalogue Item Specification Update Line)
  CommonLibrary: SellerSupplierParty (Catalogue Line)
  CommonLibrary: SellerSupplierParty (Catalogue Pricing Update Line)

An attached document, external refered to, 
refered in the MIME location or embedded.:
  CommonLibrary: ExternalReference (Attachment)
  CommonLibrary: Attachment (Document Reference)

An identifier for the Catalogue Revision assigned by the Seller:
  CatalogueItemSpecificationUpdate: ID (Catalogue Item Specification Update)
  CataloguePricingUpdate: ID (Catalogue Pricing Update)

An identifier for the Invoice assigned by the Creditor:
  FreightInvoice: ID (Freight Invoice)
  Invoice: ID (Invoice)
  Reminder: ID (Reminder)

Associates the Order Response with zero or more signatures.:
  OrderResponse: Signature (Order Response)
  OrderResponseSimple: Signature (Order Response Simple)

Code specifying the type of the Invoice.:
  FreightInvoice: InvoiceTypeCode (Freight Invoice)
  Invoice: InvoiceTypeCode (Invoice)

contains any free form text pertinent to the 
entire document or to the document message 
itself. This element may contain notes or any 
other similar information that is not contained 
explicitly in another structure.:
  AttachedDocument: Note (Attached Document)
  SelfBilledInvoice: Note (Self Billed Invoice)

Contains other free text based instructions 
related to the shipment to the forwarders or 
carriers. This should only be used where such 
information cannot be represented in other 
structured information entities within the document.:
  BillOfLading: OtherInstruction (Bill Of Lading)
  ForwardingInstructions: OtherInstruction (Forwarding Instructions)
  PackingList: OtherInstruction (Packing List)
  WayBill: OtherInstruction (Waybill)

Costs incurred by the shipper in moving goods, by 
whatever means, from one place to another under 
the terms of the contract of carriage. In 
addition to transport costs, this may include 
such elements as packing, documentation, loading, 
unloading, and insurance (to the extent that they 
relate to the freight costs).:
  CommonLibrary: FreightAllowanceCharge (Consignment)
  CommonLibrary: FreightAllowanceCharge (Goods Item)
  CommonLibrary: FreightAllowanceCharge (Shipment)

Defaults to the UN/EDIFACT data element 3055 code list.:
  qDT: listAgencyID (Code List)
  qDT: listAgencyID (Code List)
  qDT: listAgencyID (Code List)
  qDT: listAgencyID (Code List)

Free form text applying to the Catalogue 
Revision. This element may contain notes or any 
other similar information that is not contained 
explicitly in another structure.:
  CatalogueItemSpecificationUpdate: Note (Catalogue Item Specification Update)
  CataloguePricingUpdate: Note (Catalogue Pricing Update)

Free form text applying to the Invoice. This 
element may contain notes or any other similar 
information that is not contained explicitly in another structure.:
  FreightInvoice: Note (Freight Invoice)
  Invoice: Note (Invoice)

Free form text applying to the Statement Line. 
This element may contain notes or any other 
similar information that is not contained explicitly in another structure.:
  CommonLibrary: Note (Reminder Line)
  CommonLibrary: Note (Statement Line)

Free form text describing Handling Instructions for a Shipment:
  CommonLibrary: HandlingInstructions (Shipment)
  CommonLibrary: HandlingInstructions (Transport Handling Unit)

Free text note used for non-structured 
information about the line in the specific 
catalogue document (intended to be human readable).:
  CommonLibrary: Note (Catalogue Line)
  CommonLibrary: Note (Catalogue Request Line)

Gross weight (mass) on which a charge is to be based.:
  CommonLibrary: ChargeableWeightMeasure (Consignment)
  CommonLibrary: ChargeableWeightMeasure (Goods Item)

Identifies a sub-division of a contract or tender.:
  CommonLibrary: ContractSubdivision (Catalogue Line)
  CommonLibrary: ContractSubdivision (Catalogue Request Line)

Identifies the Directory of the UN/EDIFACT code list.:
  qDT: listVersionID (Code List)
  qDT: listVersionID (Code List)
  qDT: listVersionID (Code List)

Indicates (true) that the Statement Line contains a balance brought forward:
  CommonLibrary: BalanceBroughtForwardIndicator (Reminder Line)
  CommonLibrary: BalanceBroughtForwardIndicator (Statement Line)

Indicates whether a document is a copy (true) or not (false):
  FreightInvoice: CopyIndicator (Freight Invoice)
  Invoice: CopyIndicator (Invoice)
  Reminder: CopyIndicator (Reminder)
  SelfBilledInvoice: CopyIndicator (Self Billed Invoice)

Indicates whether the Item as delivered is hazardous:
  CommonLibrary: HazardousRiskIndicator (Delivery Unit)
  CommonLibrary: HazardousRiskIndicator (Item Location Quantity)

Indicator of whether the transport document is consigned to order.:
  BillOfLading: ToOrderIndicator (Bill Of Lading)
  ForwardingInstructions: ToOrderIndicator (Forwarding Instructions)

Information about a Line on a Statement of Account:
  CommonLibrary: ReminderLine (Reminder Line)
  CommonLibrary: StatementLine (Statement Line)

Information about the separately identifiable 
collection of goods items (available to be) 
transported from one consignor to one consignee 
via one or more modes of transport.:
  CommonLibrary: Shipment (Certificate Of Origin Application)
  CommonLibrary: ReportedShipment (Transport Event)
  BillOfLading: Shipment (Bill Of Lading)
  ForwardingInstructions: Shipment (Forwarding Instructions)
  PackingList: Shipment (Packing List)

Information directly relating to the identification of a document instance.:
  BillOfLading: DocumentReference (Bill Of Lading)
  ForwardingInstructions: DocumentReference (Forwarding Instructions)
  TransportationStatus: DocumentReference (Transportation Status)
  WayBill: DocumentReference (Waybill)

Information that directly relates to the rate of 
exchange (conversion) between two currencies.:
  BillOfLading: ExchangeRate (Bill Of Lading)
  ForwardingInstructions: ExchangeRate (Forwarding Instructions)
  WayBill: ExchangeRate (Waybill)

Monetary amount that has to be or has been paid 
as calculated under the applicable trade delivery.:
  CommonLibrary: FreeOnBoardValueAmount (Goods Item)
  CommonLibrary: FreeOnBoardValueAmount (Shipment)

One or more signatures applied to the document:
  ApplicationResponse: Signature (Application Response)
  CatalogueDeletion: Signature (Catalogue Deletion)
  CatalogueItemSpecificationUpdate: Signature 
(Catalogue Item Specification Update)
  CataloguePricingUpdate: Signature (Catalogue Pricing Update)

One or more signatures applied to the document instance:
  CommonLibrary: Signature (Certificate Of Origin Application)
  BillOfLading: Signature (Bill Of Lading)
  ForwardingInstructions: Signature (Forwarding Instructions)
  PackingList: Signature (Packing List)
  TransportationStatus: Signature (Transportation Status)
  WayBill: Signature (Waybill)

One or more signatures applied to the Invoice:
  FreightInvoice: Signature (Freight Invoice)
  Invoice: Signature (Invoice)
  Reminder: Signature (Reminder)

Reference number assigned by a carrier or its 
agent to identify a specific shipment such as a 
booking reference number when cargo space is reserved prior to loading.:
  BillOfLading: CarrierAssignedID (Bill Of Lading)
  ForwardingInstructions: CarrierAssignedID (Forwarding Instructions)
  TransportationStatus: CarrierAssignedID (Transportation Status)

Reference number to identify a Shipping Order or Forwarding Instruction.:
  BillOfLading: ShippingOrderID (Bill Of Lading)
  WayBill: ShippingOrderID (Waybill)

Reference number to identify a Shipping Order.:
  ForwardingInstructions: ShippingOrderID (Forwarding Instructions)
  TransportationStatus: ShippingOrderID (Transportation Status)

Reference to a line on a document:
  CommonLibrary: LineReference (Line Reference)
  CommonLibrary: LineResponse (Line Response)

The alternative currency used for payment in the Invoice:
  Invoice: PaymentAlternativeCurrencyCode (Invoice)
  Reminder: PaymentAlternativeCurrencyCode (Reminder)
  SelfBilledInvoice: PaymentAlternativeCurrencyCode (Self Billed Invoice)

The amount creditted on the Statement Line:
  CommonLibrary: CreditLineAmount (Reminder Line)
  CommonLibrary: CreditLineAmount (Statement Line)

The amount debitted on the Statement Line:
  CommonLibrary: DebitLineAmount (Reminder Line)
  CommonLibrary: DebitLineAmount (Statement Line)

The Buyer's accounting code applied to the Credit Note as a whole:
  CreditNote: AccountingCostCode (Credit Note)
  CreditNote: AccountingCost (Credit Note)
  DebitNote: AccountingCostCode (Debit Note)
  DebitNote: AccountingCost (Debit Note)

The Buyer's accounting code applied to the Invoice as a whole:
  FreightInvoice: AccountingCostCode (Freight Invoice)
  FreightInvoice: AccountingCost (Freight Invoice)
  Invoice: AccountingCostCode (Invoice)
  Invoice: AccountingCost (Invoice)
  Reminder: AccountingCostCode (Reminder)
  Reminder: AccountingCost (Reminder)

The Buyer's accounting code applied to the Invoice Line:
  CommonLibrary: AccountingCostCode (Invoice Line)
  CommonLibrary: AccountingCost (Invoice Line)

The Buyer's accounting code applied to the Order as a whole:
  Order: AccountingCostCode (Order)
  Order: AccountingCost (Order)

The Buyer's accounting code applied to the Order Change as a whole:
  OrderChange: AccountingCostCode (Order Change)
  OrderChange: AccountingCost (Order Change)

The Buyer's accounting code applied to the Self Billed Credit Note as a whole:
  SelfBilledCreditNote: AccountingCostCode (Self Billed Credit Note)
  SelfBilledCreditNote: AccountingCost (Self Billed Credit Note)

The currency in which the Document is presented. 
This may be the same currency as the pricing or as the tax.:
  FreightInvoice: DocumentCurrencyCode (Freight Invoice)
  Invoice: DocumentCurrencyCode (Invoice)
  Reminder: DocumentCurrencyCode (Reminder)

The currency used for payment in the Invoice:
  Invoice: PaymentCurrencyCode (Invoice)
  Reminder: PaymentCurrencyCode (Reminder)
  SelfBilledInvoice: PaymentCurrencyCode (Self Billed Invoice)

The currency used for prices in the Invoice:
  Invoice: PricingCurrencyCode (Invoice)
  Reminder: PricingCurrencyCode (Reminder)
  SelfBilledInvoice: PricingCurrencyCode (Self Billed Invoice)

The currency used for tax amounts in the Invoice:
  FreightInvoice: TaxCurrencyCode (Freight Invoice)
  Invoice: TaxCurrencyCode (Invoice)
  Reminder: TaxCurrencyCode (Reminder)
  SelfBilledInvoice: TaxCurrencyCode (Self Billed Invoice)

The Customer Party responsible for the contract 
to which the Catalogue relates.:
  CommonLibrary: ContractorCustomerParty 
(Catalogue Item Specification Update Line)
  CommonLibrary: ContractorCustomerParty (Catalogue Line)
  CommonLibrary: ContractorCustomerParty (Catalogue Pricing Update Line)
  Catalogue: ContractorCustomerParty (Catalogue)
  CatalogueDeletion: ContractorCustomerParty (Catalogue Deletion)
ContractorCustomerParty (Catalogue Item Specification Update)
  CataloguePricingUpdate: ContractorCustomerParty (Catalogue Pricing Update)
  CatalogueRequest: ContractorCustomerParty (Catalogue Request)

The date (assigned by the Seller Party) at which 
the information in the catalogue was revised.:
  CommonLibrary: RevisionDate (Catalogue Reference)
  Catalogue: RevisionDate (Catalogue)

The date assigned by the Creditor on which the Invoice was issued:
  FreightInvoice: IssueDate (Freight Invoice)
  Invoice: IssueDate (Invoice)
  Reminder: IssueDate (Reminder)

The date assigned by the Seller at which the Catalogue was revised:
  CatalogueItemSpecificationUpdate: RevisionDate 
(Catalogue Item Specification Update)
  CataloguePricingUpdate: RevisionDate (Catalogue Pricing Update)

The date assigned by the Seller on which the Order was responded to:
  OrderResponse: IssueDate (Order Response)
  OrderResponseSimple: IssueDate (Order Response Simple)

The date of the Invoice used to indicate the 
point at which tax becomes applicable.:
  FreightInvoice: TaxPointDate (Freight Invoice)
  Invoice: TaxPointDate (Invoice)
  Reminder: TaxPointDate (Reminder)

The date when the catalogue was issued:
  CommonLibrary: IssueDate (Catalogue Reference)
  Catalogue: IssueDate (Catalogue)

the description of the response to the transaction document.:
  CommonLibrary: Description (Response)
  CommonLibrary: Note (Signature)
  CommonLibrary: CanonicalizationMethod (Signature)
  CommonLibrary: SignatureMethod (Signature)

The handling required for a Shipment expressed as a code:
  CommonLibrary: HandlingCode (Shipment)
  CommonLibrary: HandlingCode (Transport Handling Unit)

The identifier for a user defined profile of the subset of UBL being used. :
  ApplicationResponse: ProfileID (Application Response)
  AttachedDocument: ProfileID (Attached Document)
  BillOfLading: ProfileID (Bill Of Lading)
  Catalogue: ProfileID (Catalogue)
  CatalogueDeletion: ProfileID (Catalogue Deletion)
  CatalogueItemSpecificationUpdate: ProfileID 
(Catalogue Item Specification Update)
  CataloguePricingUpdate: ProfileID (Catalogue Pricing Update)
  CatalogueRequest: ProfileID (Catalogue Request)
  CertificateOfOrigin: ProfileID (Certificate Of Origin)
  CreditNote: ProfileID (Credit Note)
  DebitNote: ProfileID (Debit Note)
  DespatchAdvice: ProfileID (Despatch Advice)
  ForwardingInstructions: ProfileID (Forwarding Instructions)
  FreightInvoice: ProfileID (Freight Invoice)
  Invoice: ProfileID (Invoice)
  Order: ProfileID (Order)
  OrderCancellation: ProfileID (Order Cancellation)
  OrderChange: ProfileID (Order Change)
  OrderResponse: ProfileID (Order Response)
  OrderResponseSimple: ProfileID (Order Response Simple)
  PackingList: ProfileID (Packing List)
  Quotation: ProfileID (Quotation)
  ReceiptAdvice: ProfileID (Receipt Advice)
  Reminder: ProfileID (Reminder)
  RemittanceAdvice: ProfileID (Remittance Advice)
  RequestForQuotation: ProfileID (Request For Quotation)
  SelfBilledCreditNote: ProfileID (Self Billed Credit Note)
  SelfBilledInvoice: ProfileID (Self Billed Invoice)
  Statement: ProfileID (Statement)
  WayBill: ProfileID (Waybill)

The identifier for a user defined subset of UBL.:
  ApplicationResponse: SubsetID (Application Response)
  AttachedDocument: SubsetID (Attached Document)
  BillOfLading: SubsetID (Bill Of Lading)
  Catalogue: SubsetID (Catalogue)
  CatalogueDeletion: SubsetID (Catalogue Deletion)
  CatalogueItemSpecificationUpdate: SubsetID 
(Catalogue Item Specification Update)
  CataloguePricingUpdate: SubsetID (Catalogue Pricing Update)
  CatalogueRequest: SubsetID (Catalogue Request)
  CertificateOfOrigin: SubsetID (Certificate Of Origin)
  CreditNote: SubsetID (Credit Note)
  DebitNote: SubsetID (Debit Note)
  DespatchAdvice: SubsetID (Despatch Advice)
  ForwardingInstructions: SubsetID (Forwarding Instructions)
  FreightInvoice: SubsetID (Freight Invoice)
  Invoice: SubsetID (Invoice)
  Order: SubsetID (Order)
  OrderCancellation: SubsetID (Order Cancellation)
  OrderChange: SubsetID (Order Change)
  OrderResponse: SubsetID (Order Response)
  OrderResponseSimple: SubsetID (Order Response Simple)
  PackingList: SubsetID (Packing List)
  Quotation: SubsetID (Quotation)
  ReceiptAdvice: SubsetID (Receipt Advice)
  Reminder: SubsetID (Reminder)
  RemittanceAdvice: SubsetID (Remittance Advice)
  RequestForQuotation: SubsetID (Request For Quotation)
  SelfBilledCreditNote: SubsetID (Self Billed Credit Note)
  SelfBilledInvoice: SubsetID (Self Billed Invoice)
  Statement: SubsetID (Statement)
  WayBill: SubsetID (Waybill)

The identifier for the Payment Instruction:
  CommonLibrary: InstructionID (Payment)
  CommonLibrary: InstructionID (Payment Means)

The identifier for the Payment Means:
  CommonLibrary: ID (Payment Means)
  CommonLibrary: PaymentMeansCode (Payment Means)

The identifier for the Statement Line:
  CommonLibrary: ID (Reminder Line)
  CommonLibrary: ID (Statement Line)

The number of lines in the document:
LineCountNumeric (Catalogue Item Specification Update)
  CataloguePricingUpdate: LineCountNumeric (Catalogue Pricing Update)
  CatalogueRequest: LineCountNumeric (Catalogue Request)
  CreditNote: LineCountNumeric (Credit Note)
  DebitNote: LineCountNumeric (Debit Note)
  DespatchAdvice: LineCountNumeric (Despatch Advice)
  FreightInvoice: LineCountNumeric (Freight Invoice)
  Invoice: LineCountNumeric (Invoice)
  Order: LineCountNumeric (Order)
  OrderChange: LineCountNumeric (Order Change)
  OrderResponse: LineCountNumeric (Order Response)
  Quotation: LineCountNumeric (Quotation)
  ReceiptAdvice: LineCountNumeric (Receipt Advice)
  Reminder: LineCountNumeric (Reminder)
  RemittanceAdvice: LineCountNumeric (Remittance Advice)
  RequestForQuotation: LineCountNumeric (Request For Quotation)
  SelfBilledCreditNote: LineCountNumeric (Self Billed Credit Note)
  SelfBilledInvoice: LineCountNumeric (Self Billed Invoice)
  Statement: LineCountNumeric (Statement)

the party combining individual smaller 
consignments into a single larger shipment (so 
called consolidated shipment) that is sent to a 
counterpart who mirrors the consolidator's 
activity by dividing the consolidated consignment 
into its original components.:
  CommonLibrary: FreightForwarderParty (Consignment)
  BillOfLading: FreightForwarderParty (Bill Of Lading)

the party consigning goods as stipulated in the 
transport contract by the party ordering transport.:
  CommonLibrary: ConsignorParty (Consignment)
  BillOfLading: ConsignorParty (Bill Of Lading)
  ForwardingInstructions: ConsignorParty (Forwarding Instructions)
  PackingList: ConsignorParty (Packing List)
  WayBill: ConsignorParty (Waybill)

The party providing the endorsement:
  CommonLibrary: EndorserParty (Certificate Of Origin Application)
  CertificateOfOrigin: EndorserParty (Certificate Of Origin)

the party providing the transport of goods between named points.:
  CommonLibrary: CarrierParty (Consignment)
  BillOfLading: CarrierParty (Bill Of Lading)
  ForwardingInstructions: CarrierParty (Forwarding Instructions)
  PackingList: CarrierParty (Packing List)
  WayBill: CarrierParty (Waybill)

The party who despatched the delivery:
  CommonLibrary: Despatch (Delivery)
  CommonLibrary: DespatchParty (Despatch)

the party who makes - or on whose behalf - the 
export declaration - is made - and who is the 
owner of the goods or has similar right of 
disposal over them at the time when the declaration is accepted.:
  CommonLibrary: ExporterParty (Consignment)
  CertificateOfOrigin: ExporterParty (Certificate Of Origin)

the party who makes-or on whose behalf a Customs 
clearing agent or other authorized person makes- 
an import declaration. This may include a person 
who has possession of the goods or to whom the goods are consigned.:
  CommonLibrary: ImporterParty (Consignment)
  CertificateOfOrigin: ImporterParty (Certificate Of Origin)

The period assigned by the Seller during which 
the information in the Catalogue Revision is 
effective. This may be given as start and end dates or a duration.:
ValidityPeriod (Catalogue Item Specification Update)
  CataloguePricingUpdate: ValidityPeriod (Catalogue Pricing Update)

The placard endorsement that is to be shown on 
the shipping papers for the hazardous commodity. 
Can also be used for the number of the orange 
placard (lower part) required on the means of transport:
  CommonLibrary: PlacardEndorsement (Hazardous Item)
  CommonLibrary: PlacardEndorsement (Secondary Hazard)

The placard notation corresponding to the hazard 
class of the hazardous commodity. Can also be the 
hazard identification number of the orange 
placard (upper part) required on the means of transport:
  CommonLibrary: PlacardNotation (Hazardous Item)
  CommonLibrary: PlacardNotation (Secondary Hazard)

The reason for rejection expressed as a code:
  CommonLibrary: RejectReasonCode (Receipt Line)
  CommonLibrary: RejectReason (Receipt Line)

The Seller Party responsible for the contract to which the Catalogue relates.:
  Catalogue: SellerSupplierParty (Catalogue)
  CatalogueDeletion: SellerSupplierParty (Catalogue Deletion)
SellerSupplierParty (Catalogue Item Specification Update)
  CataloguePricingUpdate: SellerSupplierParty (Catalogue Pricing Update)
  CatalogueRequest: SellerSupplierParty (Catalogue Request)

The Tax Rate for the category expressed as a percentage:
  CommonLibrary: Percent (Tax Category)
  CommonLibrary: Percent (Tax Sub Total)

The territorial division of a country such as a 
county or state expresssed as a code:
  CommonLibrary: CountrySubentityCode (Address)
  CommonLibrary: CountrySubentityCode (Location)

The time (assigned by the Seller Party) at which 
the information in the catalogue was revised.:
  CommonLibrary: RevisionTime (Catalogue Reference)
  Catalogue: RevisionTime (Catalogue)

The time assigned by the Creditor on which the Invoice was issued:
  FreightInvoice: IssueTime (Freight Invoice)
  Invoice: IssueTime (Invoice)
  Reminder: IssueTime (Reminder)

The time assigned by the Seller at which the Catalogue was revised:
  CatalogueItemSpecificationUpdate: RevisionTime 
(Catalogue Item Specification Update)
  CataloguePricingUpdate: RevisionTime (Catalogue Pricing Update)

The time assigned by the Seller on which the Order was responded to:
  OrderResponse: IssueTime (Order Response)
  OrderResponseSimple: IssueTime (Order Response Simple)

The time when the catalogue was issued:
  CommonLibrary: IssueTime (Catalogue Reference)
  Catalogue: IssueTime (Catalogue)

The version of the UBL schema being used.:
  ApplicationResponse: UBLVersionID (Application Response)
  AttachedDocument: UBLVersionID (Attached Document)
  BillOfLading: UBLVersionID (Bill Of Lading)
  Catalogue: UBLVersionID (Catalogue)
  CatalogueDeletion: UBLVersionID (Catalogue Deletion)
  CatalogueItemSpecificationUpdate: UBLVersionID 
(Catalogue Item Specification Update)
  CataloguePricingUpdate: UBLVersionID (Catalogue Pricing Update)
  CatalogueRequest: UBLVersionID (Catalogue Request)
  CertificateOfOrigin: UBLVersionID (Certificate Of Origin)
  CreditNote: UBLVersionID (Credit Note)
  DebitNote: UBLVersionID (Debit Note)
  DespatchAdvice: UBLVersionID (Despatch Advice)
  ForwardingInstructions: UBLVersionID (Forwarding Instructions)
  FreightInvoice: UBLVersionID (Freight Invoice)
  Invoice: UBLVersionID (Invoice)
  Order: UBLVersionID (Order)
  OrderCancellation: UBLVersionID (Order Cancellation)
  OrderChange: UBLVersionID (Order Change)
  OrderResponse: UBLVersionID (Order Response)
  OrderResponseSimple: UBLVersionID (Order Response Simple)
  PackingList: UBLVersionID (Packing List)
  Quotation: UBLVersionID (Quotation)
  ReceiptAdvice: UBLVersionID (Receipt Advice)
  Reminder: UBLVersionID (Reminder)
  RemittanceAdvice: UBLVersionID (Remittance Advice)
  RequestForQuotation: UBLVersionID (Request For Quotation)
  SelfBilledCreditNote: UBLVersionID (Self Billed Credit Note)
  SelfBilledInvoice: UBLVersionID (Self Billed Invoice)
  Statement: UBLVersionID (Statement)
  WayBill: UBLVersionID (Waybill)

To indicate the current version of the catalogue:
  CommonLibrary: VersionID (Catalogue Reference)
  Catalogue: VersionID (Catalogue)

Universally Unique Identifier of one instance of a Waybill.:
  TransportationStatus: UUID (Transportation Status)
  WayBill: UUID (Waybill)

Value declared for statistical purposes of those 
goods in a consignment which have the same statistical heading.:
  CommonLibrary: DeclaredStatisticsValueAmount (Goods Item)
  CommonLibrary: DeclaredStatisticsValueAmount (Shipment)

Value, declared by the shipper or his agent 
solely for the purpose of varying the carrier's 
level of liability from that provided in the 
contract of carriage, in case of loss or damage to goods or delayed delivery.:
  CommonLibrary: DeclaredForCarriageValueAmount (Goods Item)
  CommonLibrary: DeclaredForCarriageValueAmount (Shipment)
  BillOfLading: DeclaredCarriageValueAmount (Bill Of Lading)
  ForwardingInstructions: DeclaredCarriageValueAmount (Forwarding Instructions)
  WayBill: DeclaredCarriageValueAmount (Waybill)

Where a tax is applied at a certain rate per 
unit, the measure of units on which the tax calculation is based:
  CommonLibrary: BaseUnitMeasure (Tax Category)
  CommonLibrary: BaseUnitMeasure (Tax Sub Total)

Where a tax is applied at a certain rate per unit, the rate per unit applied:
  CommonLibrary: PerUnitAmount (Tax Category)
  CommonLibrary: PerUnitAmount (Tax Sub Total)

Where a tax is tiered, the range of tiers applied 
in the calculation of the Tax Sub Total for the Tax Category:
  CommonLibrary: TierRange (Tax Category)
  CommonLibrary: TierRange (Tax Sub Total)

Where a tax is tiered, the rate of tax applied to 
the range of tiers in the calculation of the Tax 
Sub Total for the Tax Category:
  CommonLibrary: TierRatePercent (Tax Category)
  CommonLibrary: TierRatePercent (Tax Sub Total)

Registration open for UBL training:    Montréal, Canada 2006-08-07
Also for XSL-FO/XSLT training:    Minneapolis, MN 2006-07-31/08-04
Also for UBL/XML/XSLT/XSL-FO training: Varo,Denmark 06-09-25/10-06
World-wide corporate, govt. & user group UBL, XSL, & XML training.
G. Ken Holman                 mailto:gkholman@CraneSoftwrights.com
Crane Softwrights Ltd.          http://www.CraneSoftwrights.com/o/
Box 266, Kars, Ontario CANADA K0A-2E0    +1(613)489-0999 (F:-0995)
Male Cancer Awareness Aug'05  http://www.CraneSoftwrights.com/o/bc
Legal business disclaimers:  http://www.CraneSoftwrights.com/legal

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