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Subject: RE: [uddi-spec] WSDL TN: Claus's Issues


Excellent idea.
I agree to the lists, except that I'm missing an issue in the list of issues that are still open:
5) The requirement to identify the wsdl:port from a given uddi:bindingTemplate (i.e. why to register the port's target namespace and local name in UDDI).


-----Original Message-----
From: John Colgrave [mailto:colgrave@hursley.ibm.com]
Sent: Dienstag, 19. November 2002 14:24
To: uddi-spec
Subject: [uddi-spec] WSDL TN: Claus's Issues


I would like to reset this discussion as the chain of notes is becoming
unwieldy.  I would like to spell out the issues that I think are closed and
then list the issues that are still open.  I will then start a separate
discussion of each of the open items.

The issues that I think are closed are:
1) The use of wsdlDeployment in the V3 mapping/model.

That list is shorter than I was expecting! :-)

The issues that I think are still open are:
1) The cardinality of the mapping between wsdl:service and
2) The requirement to generate the wsdl:service.
3) The use of something like wsdlDeployment in the V2 mapping/model.
4) The tagging of the bindingTemplate rather than the binding tModel with
details of the protocol and/or transport.

Do you agree with these lists?

Before going on to respond to each of these open issues separately, I would
like to give a little more of my general perspective.  A lot of the
discussion has been around the requirements for web service
interoperability, no doubt influenced by WS-I.  While I think that WS-I is a
very valid and valuable perspective, it is by no means the only one.  I
would go further and say that, for WSDL, it is probably not the most
important one at the moment.  A different perspective that is at least as
important is that of programming languages and application development
tools.  Most of the implementations of the current BP are in that context
and I would say most of the usage of WSDL in general.

John Colgrave

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