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Subject: Re: [virtio-comment] [PATCH V3 RESEND 1/4] Introduce virito transport virtqueue

On 8/8/2022 5:12 PM, Jason Wang wrote:
On Fri, Aug 5, 2022 at 6:02 PM Zhu Lingshan <lingshan.zhu@intel.com> wrote:
This commit introduces transport virtqueue as a new transport
layer for virtio devices. And the format of the commands
through the transport virtqueue is defined as well.

We also give examples for the management devices and the
managed devices.

Signed-off-by: Jason Wang <jasowang@redhat.com>
Signed-off-by: Zhu Lingshan <lingshan.zhu@intel.com>
  content.tex      | 81 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  introduction.tex |  3 ++
  2 files changed, 84 insertions(+)

diff --git a/content.tex b/content.tex
index e863709..c747d21 100644
--- a/content.tex
+++ b/content.tex
@@ -2895,6 +2895,87 @@ \subsubsection{Resetting Devices}\label{sec:Virtio Transport Options / Virtio ov
  MAY also choose to verify reset completion by reading \field{device status} via
  CCW_CMD_READ_STATUS and checking whether it is 0 afterwards.

+\section{Virtio Over Transport Virtqueue}\label{sec:Virtio Transport Options Virtio Over Transport Virtqueue}
+In some cases, it is challenging to implement a virtio device in a transport specific method.
+One example is that a physical device may try to present multiple managed (maybe virtual) devices
+with limited transport specific resources.
We haven't introduced the concept of managed devices, so I'd suggest
to simply say

"try to present multiple virtio devices ..."
will fix it

+Another example is to implement managed devices which are transport independent.
Ditto, we'd better not talk managed/management before we introduce the
concept of them.

+In those cases, a transport virtqueue could be used as the transport layer to
+implement virtio managed device.
I'd suggest introducing the concept of management/managed device first.
this is the first paragraph, maybe too early to introduce management / managed devices before the feature bit, I will avoid talking about management/managed devices before define them(right below this paragraph).

+\subsection{Basic Concepts}\label{sec:Virtio Transport Options / Virtio over Transport Virtqueue / Basic Concepts}
+Feature bit VIRTIO_F_TRANSPT_VQ indicates that a device offers a transport virtqueue,
+and the managed devices are created, destroyed and configured through the transport virtqueue.
+\subsubsection{The Management Device}\label{sec:Virtio Transport Options / Virtio over Transport Virtqueue / Basic Concepts / The Management Device}
+A device that offers feature bit VIRTIO_F_TRANSPT_VQ and a transport virtqueue is a management device.
+It processes the commands through the transport virtqueue commands.
I think we need to be verbose here, e.g what did those transport
virtqueue commands do? What's the relationship between management
device and managed device?
I will add an overview of the transport virtqueue commands here, and a description of the relationship in the "managed device" section.

+For example, a PCIe device with a transport virtqueue is a management device.
+\devicenormative{\subsubsection}{The Management Device}{Virtio Transport Options / Virtio Over Transport Virtqueue / Basic Concepts / The management Device}
+The management device MUST offer feature bit VIRTIO_F_TRANSPT_VQ and a transport virtqueue as a device specific virtqueue.
I don't get the meaning of this. Each type of virtqueue must be probed
in a device specific way (e.g the virtqueues subsection in the spec)?
I will remove "as a device specific virtqueue."

+\subsubsection{The Managed Device}\label{sec:Virtio Transport Options / Virtio over Transport Virtqueue / Basic Concepts / The Managed Device}
+A managed device is a kind of device that is created through a transport virtqueue,
+and utilizes the transport virtqueue as its transport layer.
Do we need to say e.g the relationship with the management device?
I will emphasize the relationship with the management device here, says
the managed device is created/destroyed/ and configured by the management
device through the transport vq

And we need to define managed devices more accurately, E.g it should
be isolated from other managed devices so it can be assigned to a
guest independently. For isolation, it probably means
interrupt/DMA/P2P (PCI example). Or maybe we can have an example of
managed device that is implemented via PCI?
OK, we can add these in the device requirements of managed devices

And spec said:

"Virtio can use various different buses, thus the standard is split
into virtio general and bus-specific sections."

We need to tweak this to say virtio can use transport virtqueue at least?
I will add: virtio uses transport virtqueue to implement managed devices.

+An example of managed devices is a Scalable I/O Virtualization \hyperref[intro:SIOV]{[SIOV]} device which is created and managed
Let's try to use SIOV terminology here, I guess it should be "VDEV"?
Yes, it is VDEV

+through a transport virtqueue of a management device.
+\subsubsection{Managed Devices Dscovery}\label{sec:Virtio Transport Options /Virtio Over Transport Virtqueue / Managed Devices Discovery}
+Managed devices are created and discovered through a transport virtqueue.
+\subsubsection{Managed Devices Interrupts}\label{sec:Virtio Transport Options /Virtio Over Transport Virtqueue / Managed Devices Interrupts}
+The managed devices utilize MSI (Message Signaled Interrupts) to send interrupts,
We can remove "to send interrupts".
I think at least we need "for interrupts", or this is not a completed sentence.

there are no legacy interrupts.
+A MSI entry is  composed of a 32-bit data payload and a 64-bit address.
We probably need to be more verbose here, what's the use of payload and address?
I think this is the MSI concept, do we need to explain it here? The concepts, e.g., payload initialization
can be architecture specific

+\devicenormative{\subsubsection}{The Managed Device}{sec:Virtio Transport Options /Virtio Over Transport Virtqueue / The Managed Device}
+The managed device MUST not share its MSI entries with another manged device or with the management device.
Not sure why this is needed since this would be obvious in the
subsection of MSI storage.
we did not describe this in the MSI commands section yet, we need this because the interrupt
source should be isolated, and SIOV spec says this.

+\subsection{Format of Commands through Transport Virtqueue}\label{sec:Virtio Transport Options / Virtio over Transport Virtqueue / Format of Commands through Transport Virtqueue}
+All transport virtqueue commands are of the following form:
+struct virtio_transportq_ctrl {
+        u64 device_id;
+        u16 class;
+        u16 command;
+        u8 command-out-data[];
+        u32 ack;
+        u8 command-in-data[];
+/* ack values */
+#define VIRTIO_TRANSPTQ_OK     0
+#define VIRTIO_TRANSPTQ_ERR    255
Any reason starting from 255?
actually it is ending with 255, remember we have other error codes like EINVAL and EAGAIN between 0 and 255. I think we can define ERR as 1 since we have removed other codes.

+The \field{device_id}, \field{class}, \field{command} and
+\field{command-out-data} are set by the management device driver,
+and the device sets \field{ack} and \field{command-in-data}.
"management device" actually?
Not sure, it can be the managed device, so I only use "the device".
How about "the management device or the managed device"?
And replace "the management device driver" with "the management device driver or the managed device driver"

+\field{device_id} is a UUID to identify a virtio managed device,
It's not a UUID actually, it would be sufficient to be unique among
the managed devices which belong to a single management device.
Yes is should be a unique device ID, I think UUID is perfectly meet this
requirement so that we don't need to define the rules and concepts of the ID

+which defined in \hyperref[intro:rfc4122]{RFC4122}. The management device allocates this UUID,
+it should be unique in the management device context.
+The \field{device_id} value 0 is used to identify the management device itself.
+\field{class} is an identifier of a set of commands with similar  purposes.
  \chapter{Device Types}\label{sec:Device Types}

  On top of the queues, config space and feature negotiation facilities
diff --git a/introduction.tex b/introduction.tex
index a9491cf..94a1b51 100644
--- a/introduction.tex
+++ b/introduction.tex
@@ -80,6 +80,9 @@ \section{Normative References}\label{sec:Normative References}
         \phantomsection\label{intro:SCMI}\textbf{[SCMI]} &
         Arm System Control and Management Interface, DEN0056,
         \newline\url{https://developer.arm.com/docs/den0056/c}, version C and any future revisions\\
+       \phantomsection\label{intro:SIOV}\textbf{[SIOV]} &
+       Scalable I/O Virtualization,
+       \newline\url{https://www.opencompute.org/documents/ocp-scalable-io-virtualization-technical-specification-revision-1-v1-2-pdf}\\



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