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Subject: Re: [PATCH v13 03/10] admin: introduce group administration commands

Hi Michael,

On 5/5/2023 11:40 AM, Michael S. Tsirkin wrote:

+\field{opcode} specifies the command. The valid
+values for \field{opcode} can be found in the following table:
+opcode & Name & Command Description \\
+\hline \hline
+0x0000 - 0x7FFF & - & Commands using \field{struct virtio_admin_cmd}    \\
+0x8000 - 0xFFFF & - & Reserved for future commands (possibly using a different structure)    \\
+The \field{group_type} specifies the group type identifier.
+The \field{group_member_id} specifies the member identifier within the group.
+See section \ref{sec:Introduction / Terminology / Device group}
+for the definition of the group type identifier and group member
+The \field{status} describes the command result and possibly
+failure reason at an abstract level, this is appropriate for
+forwarding to applications. The \field{status_qualifier} describes
+failures at a low virtio specific level, as appropriate for debugging.
+The following table describes possible \field{status} values;
+to simplify common implementations, they are intentionally
+matching common \hyperref[intro:errno]{Linux error names and numbers}:
+Status (decimal) & Name & Description \\
+\hline \hline
+00   & VIRTIO_ADMIN_STATUS_OK    & successful completion  \\
+11   & VIRTIO_ADMIN_STATUS_EAGAIN    & try again \\
+12   & VIRTIO_ADMIN_STATUS_ENOMEM    & insufficient resources \\
+22   & VIRTIO_ADMIN_STATUS_EINVAL    & invalid command \\
+other   & -    & group administration command error  \\
+When \field{status} is VIRTIO_ADMIN_STATUS_OK, \field{status_qualifier}
+is reserved and set to zero by the device.
+The following table describes possible \field{status_qualifier} values:
+Status & Name & Description \\
+\hline \hline
+0x00   & VIRTIO_ADMIN_STATUS_Q_OK               & used with VIRTIO_ADMIN_STATUS_OK  \\
+0x01   & VIRTIO_ADMIN_STATUS_Q_INVALID_COMMAND  & command error: no additional information  \\
+0x02   & VIRTIO_ADMIN_STATUS_Q_INVALID_OPCODE   & unsupported or invalid \field{opcode}  \\
+0x03   & VIRTIO_ADMIN_STATUS_Q_INVALID_FIELD    & unsupported or invalid field within \field{command_specific_data}  \\
+0x04   & VIRTIO_ADMIN_STATUS_Q_INVALID_GROUP    & unsupported or invalid \field{group_type} \\
+0x05   & VIRTIO_ADMIN_STATUS_Q_INVALID_MEMBER   & unsupported or invalid \field{group_member_id} \\
+0x06   & VIRTIO_ADMIN_STATUS_Q_NORESOURCE       & out of internal resources: ok to retry \\
+0x07   & VIRTIO_ADMIN_STATUS_Q_TRYAGAIN         & command blocks for too long: should retry \\
+0x08-0xFFFF   & -    & reserved for future use \\

Did you miss taking my 3 changes here I posted at [1]?

Or you sent some older version by mistake?

or they got fixed in some later hunk in this series?

Without this changes pdf generation is broken and manual intervention of script generates pdf table which is messed up.

It is not too late, to fix and resend quickly.

Or probably list down the known issues and I will create the follow up patches as these are mandatory non cosmetic editorial changes.

Please let me know how shall we proceed.

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