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Subject: Re: [virtio-comment] [PATCH v2] virtio-net: support distinguishing between partial and full checksum

å 2023/11/9 äå4:01, Michael S. Tsirkin åé:
On Thu, Nov 09, 2023 at 11:55:01AM +0800, Jason Wang wrote:
Most userspace doesn't care about the checksum though.

Maybe we need a flag
to say which offloads are expensive?

That exposes some device details which seem not good (e.g we may want
to do migration among hardware and software).

If you do then things will be less well tuned on one of the migration
ends but then that is by design, isn't it?
Ok, so I'm fine to enable it by default.

I was really asking a question. Is it true that full is more expensive
than partial for the device?

It depends on the device. For performant (e.g. IO queues are hardware accelerated) or well-resourced devices, the overhead of full csum compared to partial csum is almost negligible.

So it should only be enabled if
strictly required?

I think for software devices, yes.



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