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Subject: Re: [virtio-comment] Re: [PATCH v4 1/2] virtio-net: update description for VIRTIO_NET_F_GUEST_CSUM.

Hi all.

Because there are already many V4 threads and valid opinions collected!
For the review experience of maintainers, v5 is refreshed[1], please review.

[1] https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/virtio-comment/202312/msg00069.html


å 2023/12/11 äå3:40, Heng Qi åé:

å 2023/12/11 äå3:26, Jason Wang åé:
On Mon, Dec 11, 2023 at 10:18âAM Heng Qi <hengqi@linux.alibaba.com> wrote:

å 2023/12/10 äå1:39, Yuri Benditovich åé:
If somebody explains the problem that this patch addresses it will be very,
_very_ helpful.
We _were_ sure that if the host suggests VIRTIO_NET_F_GUEST_CSUM and the
driver acks it - they both can do _more_ than without this feature.
Specifically the driver claims that it is able to deal with additional
types of incoming packets and such a way the device is able to provide
_more_ types of incoming packets than if this feature is not acked..
Hi Yuir.

Why do you think this patch will change that..?
What types of packets a driver or device can handle will *not change*
with this patch.
Well, I think the confusion came from you wanting to modify the
definition of VIRTIO_NET_F_GUEST_CSUM.

As we discussed, modifications to the GUEST_CSUM definition will be removed in the next version.

As discussed, there's no issue with the current definition:

When VIRTIO_NET_F_GUEST_CSUM is negotiated and DATA_VALID is set, the
checksum is still partial.

I'm confused about this sentence.

DATA_VALID will not appear in a packet together with a partial checksum.

I think what you are saying is that partial checksum means CHECKSUM_UNNECESSARY.


Or did you see any?


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