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Subject: Re: [virtio-comment] Re: [PATCH RESEND] virtio-net: support setting coalescing params for multiple vqs

å 2023/12/22 äå10:40, Jason Wang åé:
On Thu, Dec 21, 2023 at 12:55âPM Heng Qi <hengqi@linux.alibaba.com> wrote:

å 2023/12/21 äå11:37, Jason Wang åé:
On Wed, Dec 20, 2023 at 10:40âPM Heng Qi <hengqi@linux.alibaba.com> wrote:
Currently, when each time the driver attempts to update the coalescing parameters
for a vq, it needs to kick the device and wait for the ctrlq response to return.

If a command can only update one vq parameters, when the parameters are updated
frequently (such as netdim), ctrlq on the device is kicked frequently, which will
increase the device CPU scheduling overhead, and the number and overhead of device
DMA will also increase.

Merging multiple vq updated parameters into one command can effectively reduce
the number of kick devices and device DMA times.

Test results show that this greatly improves the efficiency of the ctrlq in
responding to multiple vq coalescing parameter updates issued by the driver.
So netdim is per virtqueue, to make use of this, you need to batch the
netdim requests first.
Yes. I think the code looks more intuitive.
Please view the following PoC test code combined with the current code
of upstream virtio netdim

+struct ctrl_coal_vq_entry {
+       u16 vqn;
+       u16 reserved;
+       int usecs;
+       int packets;
+struct virtio_net_ctrl_mrg_coal_vq {
+       int num_entries;
+       struct ctrl_coal_vq_entry coal_vqs[];

@@ -313,12 +335,18 @@ struct virtnet_info {

          struct control_buf *ctrl;

+       struct virtio_net_ctrl_mrg_coal_vq *ctrl_coal_vqs;

@@ -4390,6 +4586,7 @@ static int virtnet_alloc_queues(struct
virtnet_info *vi)
          if (!vi->rq)
                  goto err_rq;

+       vi->ctrl_coal_vqs = kzalloc(sizeof(struct
virtio_net_ctrl_mrg_coal_vq) + vi->max_queue_pairs * sizeof(struct
ctrl_coal_vq_entry), GFP_KERNEL);

+       struct scatterlist sg;
+       for (i = 0; i < vi->curr_queue_pairs; i++) {
+                vi->ctrl_coal_vqs->coal_vqs[i].vqn = rxq2vq(i);
+                vi->ctrl_coal_vqs->coal_vqs[i].usecs = 8;
+                vi->ctrl_coal_vqs->coal_vqs[i].packets = 16;
+        }
+        vi->ctrl_coal_vqs->num_entries = i;
+        sg_init_one(&sg, vi->ctrl_coal_vqs, sizeof(struct
virtio_net_ctrl_mrg_coal_vq) + vi->ctrl_coal_vqs->num_entries *
sizeof(struct ctrl_coal_vq_entry));
+        vi->req_num++;
+        if (!virtnet_send_command(vi, VIRTIO_NET_CTRL_NOTF_COAL,
+                              VIRTIO_NET_CTRL_NOTF_COAL_*VQS*_SET, &sg))

   #define VIRTIO_NET_CTRL_NOTF_COAL_VQ_GET               3
+#define VIRTIO_NET_CTRL_NOTF_COAL_VQS_SET              4

   And if you do that, you can batch the commands
as well.

Batch commands we have tried:

+               for (i = 0; i < vi->curr_queue_pairs; i++) {
+                       err = virtnet_pre_send_cmd(vi, &vi->vq_ctrls[i],
8, 16);
+               }
+               if (unlikely(!virtqueue_kick(vi->cvq)))
+                       return vi->ctrl->status == VIRTIO_NET_OK;
+               for (i = 0; i < vi->curr_queue_pairs; i++) {
+                       while (!virtqueue_is_broken(vi->cvq) &&
!virtqueue_get_buf(vi->cvq, &tmp))
+                               cpu_relax();
+               }
+       }

+static bool virtnet_pre_send_cmd(struct virtnet_info *vi, struct
vq_coal *vq_ctrls,
+                                u32 max_usecs, u32 max_packets)
+       struct scatterlist hdr, out, stat;
+       struct scatterlist *sgs[4];
+       unsigned out_num = 0;
+       int ret;
+       BUG_ON(!virtio_has_feature(vi->vdev, VIRTIO_NET_F_CTRL_VQ));
+       vq_ctrls->hdr.class = VIRTIO_NET_CTRL_NOTF_COAL;
+       vq_ctrls->hdr.cmd = VIRTIO_NET_CTRL_NOTF_COAL_VQ_SET;
+       sg_init_one(&hdr, &vq_ctrls->hdr, sizeof(vq_ctrls->hdr));
+       sgs[out_num++] = &hdr;
+       vq_ctrls->coal_vq.vqn = cpu_to_le16(0);
+       vq_ctrls->coal_vq.coal.max_usecs = cpu_to_le32(max_usecs);
+       vq_ctrls->coal_vq.coal.max_packets = cpu_to_le32(max_packets);
+       sg_init_one(&out, &vq_ctrls->ho, sizeof(vq_ctrls->ho));
+       if (&out)
+               sgs[out_num++] = &out;
+       vq_ctrls->status = ~0;
+       sg_init_one(&stat, &vq_ctrls->status, sizeof(vq_ctrls->status));
+       sgs[out_num] = &stat;
+       BUG_ON(out_num + 1 > ARRAY_SIZE(sgs));
+       ret = virtqueue_add_sgs(vi->cvq, sgs, out_num, 1, vi, GFP_ATOMIC);
+       if (ret < 0) {
+               dev_warn(&vi->vdev->dev,
+                        "Failed to add sgs for command vq: %d\n.", ret);
+               return false;
+       }

Overall, batch reqs are sufficient. Because the current major overhead
is the number of DMAs.
For example, for a device with 256 queues,

For the current upstream code, the overhead is 256 kicks + 256*8 DMA times.
The overhead of batch cmds is 1 kick + 256*8 DMA times.
This can furtherly optimized by using IN_ORDER. The DMA can be batched as well.

DMA batch reduces the number of DMA requests, but not the actual number of DMAs. For out DPU, how much to batch and when to end the batch also need to be evaluated in detail.

Or even using packed virtqueue.

The overhead of batch reqs is 1 kick + 8 DMA times.
If this is a real issue for your architecture, we should not make it
only work for coalescing. Any per vq tweaking may suffer from that.


E.g if you want to do ARFS in the future. So it should a e.g a
container command for cvq instead of just for coalescing command

We need to make sure if the existing facility is sufficient or not.

We considered to update the generic ctrlq batch command. But so far we have only seen this requirement for netdim and aRFS. At the same time, aRFS has not yet entered the community. We will try to add a batch req interface for it and it may have a dedicated flow vq to ensure that
the number of command issuances larger than netdim is responded to in time.
So we temporarily plan to advance the batch of coalescing parameter requests first.



Below is 8 DMA times:
- get avail idx 1 time
- Pull avail ring information 1 time
- Pull the desc pointed to by the avail ring 3 times
- Pull the hdr and out bufs pointed to by avail ring desc 2 times
- Write once to the status buf pointed to by status 1 time


Then you get one kick for sevreal coal requests?

Or are you saying you run out of ctrl vq?


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