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virtio-dev message

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Subject: Slow access using virtio : Ramblock device

Hi Everyone,

I am attaching a ramblock device to the guest machine as a 
normal block device and trying to write from the guest machine 
to host's ramblock device. Block device is attached using Virtio 
using following command:

``` qemu-system-x86_64 -enable-kvm  -machine type=pc,accel=kvm -cpu host smp 1 -nographic  -k de  -m 1024  ubuntu16.04.qcow2  -drive if=none,id=drive0,file=/dev/ram -device  virtio-blk pci,physical_block_size=4096,logical_block_size=4096,drive=drive0```

Looks like these writes from Guest to host's RAM using Virtio is very slow 
(slow like writing to a SSD).  What could be the reason for that?  Does a 
write  on a virtualized blkdev will result in a VMEXIT? If not, does it will be 
"zero-copy"?  What am I missing here? Any pointers on this is greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

Radhesh Krishnan K.

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