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Subject: Re: [virtio-dev] [PATCH v3] content: enhance device requirements for feature bits

On 06/15/2018 05:36 PM, Michael S. Tsirkin wrote:
On Fri, Jun 15, 2018 at 04:21:32PM +0200, Halil Pasic wrote:

On 06/15/2018 03:39 PM, Tiwei Bie wrote:
On Fri, Jun 15, 2018 at 02:42:58PM +0200, Halil Pasic wrote:
On 06/15/2018 02:19 PM, Michael S. Tsirkin wrote:
On Fri, Jun 15, 2018 at 02:10:11PM +0200, Halil Pasic wrote:

On 06/11/2018 09:56 AM, Tiwei Bie wrote:
Suggested-by: Michael S. Tsirkin <mst@redhat.com>
Signed-off-by: Tiwei Bie <tiwei.bie@intel.com>
Fixes: https://github.com/oasis-tcs/virtio-spec/issues/14
- Refine the wording (Cornelia);

- Refine the wording (MST);

     content.tex | 7 +++++++
     1 file changed, 7 insertions(+)

diff --git a/content.tex b/content.tex
index f996fad..3c7d67d 100644
--- a/content.tex
+++ b/content.tex
@@ -125,6 +125,13 @@ which was not offered.  The device SHOULD accept any valid subset
     of features the driver accepts, otherwise it MUST fail to set the
     FEATURES_OK \field{device status} bit when the driver writes it.
+If a device has successfully negotiated a set of features
+at least once (by accepting the FEATURES_OK \field{device
+status} bit during device initialization), then it SHOULD
+NOT fail re-negotiation of the same set of features after
+a device or system reset.  Failure to do so would interfere
+with resuming from suspend and error recovery.

Sorry people but I don't get it. I mean it is kind of reasonable
to assume that with a given device and a given driver (given, i.e.
nothing changes) the two will always negotiate the same features
(including the extremal case where the negotiation fails).

Either the device or a driver rolling a dice to make feature negotiation
more fun seems quite unreasonable. So I assume this is not what we are
bothering to soft prohibit here.

So the interesting scenario seems to be when stuff changes. When
migrating the implementation of the device could change. Or something
changes regarding the resources used to provide the virtual device.

But then, if the device really can not support the set of features
it used to be able, I guess the SHOULD does not take effect (I guess
that is the difference compared to MUST).

Bottom line is: I tried to figure out what is this about, but I failed.
I've read https://github.com/oasis-tcs/virtio-spec/issues/14 too but
it did not click. I would appreciate some assistance.

It's exactly what it says. Let's say you negotiated a feature and then
device sets NEED_RESET.  Driver must now reset the device and put it
back in the same state it had before the reset, then resubmit
requests that were available but never used.

What if any of the features changed? Device suddenly
needs to check for requests which do not match the

Suspend is similar: guests tend to assume hardware
does not change across suspend/resume, any changes
tend to make resume fail.

Thank you very much! But it still does not answer why would a device
want to do that (fail to negotiate a feature that it was able
to negotiate before). So I'm still in the dark about what are we
trading for what.

Hi Halil,

Just like what you said, normally there is no reason
for a device to fail to negotiate a feature that it
was able to negotiate before. But the spec doesn't
forbid devices to do this , i.e. the spec allows a
device to fail to negotiate a feature that it was
able to negotiate before, which could cause problems
in some cases. Although everything works fine in
reality because there is no device would really do
this, it would be better to make spec to explicitly
forbid devices to do this in the necessary cases.

Best regards,
Tiwei Bie

I think we have most of it already covered with 'The device SHOULD
accept any valid subset of features the driver accepts'.

IMHO what we add with your proposed normative statement is that
if the device used to offer a feature bit it SHOULD keep offering it.
That's clearly not covered by the by what I've cited.

But it's kind of covered by a non-normative statement 'Each virtio
device offers all the features it understands.'

Well one has to squint very hard to understand it.
And note that "understands" is not the same as "supports". Device can
still fail to set FEATURES_OK.

But I guess it should not. I don't know what is the driver supposed
to do in the scenario you describe: The device offered me (the driver) a set
of features, I the driver accepted them *all*. The device failed to
set FEATURES_OK, because there was *one feature that it "understands"
but does not "support". Should I (the driver) start a backtracking feature
negotiation to figure out the difference between "understands"
and "supports".

This seems most relevant in case of migration. That is device
implementation S(ource) and device implementation T(arget) are
migration compatible. But hey, features that are present
in S and not present in T are of concern  for migration compatibility. AFAIK
the VIRTIO specification does not make claims about migration

So if I think QEMU, and somebody (maintainer) is deciding to remove support for
of a certain device for a certain feature bit in the next version,
he better thinks hard how could this breakmigration. I don't think
the proposed normative statement with it's SHOULD would make the the
guy more careful.

What is even more interesting is the scenario where the new version of
the device does not remove support for a feature, but adds support for
one, let's call it F_N.

The scenario is the following we have systems O(ld) and N(ew). We
start on O then we migrate to new. There some reset of concern happens.
Features get re-negotiated and we start exploiting F_N. In my reading
of your addition, this is legit. But then we migrate back from N to O.
No re-negotiation happens (because it is not obligatory), and things
explode (hopefully, just migration fails, and not guest dies) because
O does not have support for F_N. Your normative statement was nowhere
violated as far as I can tell.

Oops I shouldn't even have started about migration.  Let's forget
migration. It's a simple question on what we can assume after we reset

Some people want to be able to change features dynamically.
Is that OK? This text clarifies that no, it isn't.

That's a very reasonable question, and a straight answer. Yet I think
the normative statement is not good enough. In a sense, that it does
not say 'it is not OK to change features dynamically'. IMHO to express
that we should state something like: 'For a life-time of a virtio device
(which transcends device resets) each subsequent feature re-negotiation
SHOULD result in the exact same set of features being negotiated as the
first successful negotiation.'

In my reading the normative statement discussed here says features are
not allowed to 'disappear' dynamically. But does not say a thing about
new features 'appearing' dynamically.

About features 'appearing' dynamically, AFAIR there was a virtio-crypto feature
that changed the request format (if negotiated). So IFAIR if we
were to re-submit the requests unchanged after gaining this feature,
we would end up having the problem you described.

However if both add and remove are unsafe, then 'The only way
to renegotiate is to reset the device.' is misleading IMHO.

Bottom line is, I still don't know what benefit does this addition
to the standard have to the implementer of the standard.

A question was asked. On suspend we save features and try to
restore them. Should driver handle device not offering some of these
features after resume? What this offers is a simple answer: don't
worry about it too much, devices have been warned that it's not a
good idea.

I don't know enough about suspend/resume. I will try to catch up. But
I think I'm slowly starting to understand the problem. My guess is that
there is some sort of reset involved in the procedure that could affect
what QEMU calls the host_features, but would not affect the requests on
the queue.

The questions still remains: Why would the device want to take away a
feature? What should the device do (respecting the warning given here)
instead of taking away the feature (if the need arises) ?

In my opinion
it's just another chunk of text that is hard to figure out. It's hard
to tell what is the device

Most people know this I think

I mean the same device. If I migrate back and forth in the spirit of the
normative statement the device is still the same device. When I think QEMU
however,we would end up realizing a device each time we spin up a QEMU at the
target host. So the life-cycle of the QEMU device and of the virtio device
ends up being a different one.

and what is before

Sorry before what?

My bad. The original text does not use 'before' just 'after'. For some
strange reason I started thinking about sequences of re-negotiations and
there 'before' slipped in...

, what is system reset.

I think many people do know what is a system reset.
It's an attempt to cover suspend to disk. How would you put it?

At this point I think I have enough understanding of what is behind,
to make a step back, and do the research and the thinking. Thanks
for your patience.

But let me carry on with my answer without doing the research
for now. Having a notion of system reset and specifying how virio facilities
relate to it (affected, unaffected) seems very reasonable. But I think
it is a new thing in the spec. I don't think solely adding tihs
normative statement is sufficient to achieve that.

we were to make the spec complete with spelling out every 'don't make
anything stupid' I'm under the impression there is a lot of work to
do. I had a discussion here on the completeness of this spec, and
completeness does not seem to be a primary goal. I'm still not
sold on this one.


Yea, it's just that it's not clear that changing feature
bits when device is reset is all that stupid, since it
does after all lose its state.

My intuition was that this should be a part of describing
what a device reset is. It seems the device does not loose all
state though -- otherwise I don't understand the problem with the
available but not yet used requests.

Anyway many thanks for having this discussion with me. My initial
problem was that I could not relate this to anything sane. Now
I have to learn more about suspend/resume.

A  quick recap at the end.  This is about 'Should driver handle
device not offering some of these features after resume?' This paragraph
is supposed to tell the driver developer don't bother. And I guess it's
also supposed to tell the device developer: fail to resume (e.g. migrate)
the device if you realize if some features negotiated before can not be
supported any more.

Like this if it is a suspend/resume we still end up not being able to resume
the device or the whole guest. But at least no funny things will happen
if the driver does try to use the feature that went away.

My intuitions is, that handling such feature changes in the guest would be
cleaner. The guest has all the information it needs at it's disposal (e.g.
are requests in flight, do these depend on some feature that went away or
the opposite, can we let the upper layer re-submit the requests and just
give up on the ones that stuck available). But I have to the gaps in
my understanding before having any.


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