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Subject: Re: [virtio-dev] Re: [RFC PATCH v6] virtio-video: Add virtio video device specification

On 11.05.23 10:50, Alexander Gordeev wrote:
On 08.05.23 06:55, Alexandre Courbot wrote:
On Fri, May 5, 2023 at 8:55âPM Alexander Gordeev
<alexander.gordeev@opensynergy.com> wrote:

On 03.05.23 16:04, Cornelia Huck wrote:
On Fri, Apr 28 2023, Alexander Gordeev
<alexander.gordeev@opensynergy.com> wrote:

On 27.04.23 15:16, Alexandre Courbot wrote:
But in any case, that's irrelevant to the guest-host interface, and I
think a big part of the disagreement stems from the misconception
V4L2 absolutely needs to be used on either the guest or the host,
which is absolutely not the case.

I understand this, of course. I'm arguing, that it is harder to
implement it, get it straight and then maintain it over years. Also it
brings limitations, that sometimes can be workarounded in the virtio
spec, but this always comes at a cost of decreased readability and
increased complexity. Overall it looks clearly as a downgrade compared
to virtio-video for our use-case. And I believe it would be the
same for
every developer, that has to actually implement the spec, not just do
the pass through. So if we think of V4L2 UAPI pass through as a
compatibility device (which I believe it is), then it is fine to have
both and keep improving the virtio-video, including taking the best
ideas from the V4L2 and overall using it as a reference to make
the driver simpler.

Let me jump in here and ask another question:

Imagine that, some years in the future, somebody wants to add a virtio
device for handling video encoding/decoding to their hypervisor.

Option 1: There are different devices to chose from. How is the person
implementing this supposed to pick a device? They might have a narrow
use case, where it is clear which of the devices is the one that
needs to
be supported; but they also might have multiple, diverse use cases, and
end up needing to implement all of the devices.

I think in this case virtio-v4l2 should be used as a compatibility
device exclusively. This means discouraging increasing its complexity
even more with more patches in the spec. virtio-video should eventually
cover all the use-cases of V4L2, so I think it is reasonable to use it
in both complex use-cases and in simple use-cases, where there is no
decoder/encoder V4L2 device on the host.

Option 2: There is one device with various optional features. The
implementing this can start off with a certain subset of features
depending on their expected use cases, and add to it later, if needed;
but the upfront complexity might be too high for specialized use cases.

I don't see that many negociable features we can provide for a
decoder/encoder device - at least not many that are not considered
basic (like guest buffers). In terms of provided features for codecs
virtio-video and virtio-v4l2 are essentially equivalent.

Actually I see a lot of potential in using the virtio feature flag
negotiation for virtio-video:

1. We already have some feature flags related to memory management.

2. I think it would be great to take V4L2 controls negotiation and turn
it into the feature flags negotiation. I really like this idea and I'd
like to implement it. Not all the controls at once, of course. Still it
would be very easy to port more given the existing process. They
correspond well enough to each other, I think. This way we don't need to
introduce something like the VIDIOC_QUERYCTRL/VIDIOC_QUERY_EXT_CTRL, we
don't need two mechanisms for feature negotiations (like it would be
with virtio-v4l2, right?), also all the features would be in one place.
Then we can directly reference some enums from V4L2, like
v4l2_mpeg_video_h264_profile or v4l2_mpeg_video_h264_level. That's what
I call taking the best from V4L2.

3. We can have things, that V4L2 doesn't support in their stateful UAPI.
For example, dequeuing output buffers in decoder order.

I'd like to also share my current roadmap for the draft v7 of
virtio-video (or maybe the draft v8 in some cases). The significant
changes would be:

1. Making querying the capabilities fully compatible with V4L2 but in 1
round-trip over virtio, not 10+. This is what I'm actively working on
right now.
2. Making all the commands non-blocking by providing completion events
over the event queue.
3. Adding back the controls from v5 and adding the corresponding feature
flags as I wrote in the quote above.

Also I'll address all the other comments, of course.

Alexander Gordeev
Senior Software Engineer

OpenSynergy GmbH
Rotherstr. 20, 10245 Berlin

Phone: +49 30 60 98 54 0 - 88
Fax: +49 (30) 60 98 54 0 - 99
EMail: alexander.gordeev@opensynergy.com


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