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Subject: Re: [virtio-comment] [PATCH 1/5] virtio: introduce vq state as basic facility

On 9/6/2023 4:28 PM, Michael S. Tsirkin wrote:
On Wed, Sep 06, 2023 at 04:16:33PM +0800, Zhu Lingshan wrote:
This patch adds new device facility to save and restore virtqueue
state. The virtqueue state is split into two parts:

- The available state: The state that is used for read the next
   available buffer.
- The used state: The state that is used for make buffer used.

This will simply the transport specific method implementation. E.g two
le16 could be used instead of a single le32). For split virtqueue, we
only need the available state since the used state is implemented in
the virtqueue itself (the used index). For packed virtqueue, we need
both the available state and the used state.

Those states are required to implement live migration support for
virtio device.

Signed-off-by: Zhu Lingshan <lingshan.zhu@intel.com>
Signed-off-by: Jason Wang <jasowang@redhat.com>
Signed-off-by: Eugenio PÃrez <eperezma@redhat.com>
  content.tex | 65 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  1 file changed, 65 insertions(+)

diff --git a/content.tex b/content.tex
index 0a62dce..0e492cd 100644
--- a/content.tex
+++ b/content.tex
@@ -502,6 +502,71 @@ \section{Exporting Objects}\label{sec:Basic Facilities of a Virtio Device / Expo
  types. It is RECOMMENDED that devices generate version 4
  UUIDs as specified by \hyperref[intro:rfc4122]{[RFC4122]}.
+\section{Virtqueue State}\label{sec:Virtqueues / Virtqueue State}
+When VIRTIO_F_QUEUE_STATE has been negotiated, the driver can set and
+get the device internal virtqueue state through the following
+fields. The implementation of the interfaces is transport specific.

virtqueue state can not, generally, be described by two 16 bit

Consider an example: these buffers available: A B C D
After device used descriptors A and C, what is its state and
how do you describe it using a single index?
<discussed in the 0/5 cover letter>

+\subsection{\field{Available State} Field}
+The available state field is two bytes of virtqueue state that is used by
+the device to read the next available buffer.
+When VIRTIO_RING_F_PACKED is not negotiated, it contains:
+le16 last_avail_idx;
+The \field{last_avail_idx} field is the free-running available ring
+index where the device will read the next available head of a
+descriptor chain.
next after what?
I am not sure I get it.
It's like a pointer, so I assume it goes without saying, implies the next "address".

Do you suggest "next after current being processed ones" or others?

+See also \ref{sec:Basic Facilities of a Virtio Device / Virtqueues / The Virtqueue Available Ring}.
+When VIRTIO_RING_F_PACKED is negotiated, it contains:
+le16 {
+  last_avail_idx : 15;
+  last_avail_wrap_counter : 1;
+The \field{last_avail_idx} field is the free-running location
+where the device read the next descriptor from the virtqueue descriptor ring.
+The \field{last_avail_wrap_counter} field is the last driver ring wrap
+counter that was observed by the device.
+See also \ref{sec:Packed Virtqueues / Driver and Device Ring Wrap Counters}.
+\subsection{\field{Used State} Field}
+The used state field is two bytes of virtqueue state that is used by
+the device when marking a buffer used.
+When VIRTIO_RING_F_PACKED is negotiated, the used state contains:
+le16 {
+  used_idx : 15;
+  used_wrap_counter : 1;
+The \field{used_idx} field is the free-running location where the device write the next
+used descriptor to the descriptor ring.
I don't get what good does this used_idx do - used descriptors are written in
order so just check which ones are valid?
a bit confused. please correct me if I misunderstood.

Valid to the device? avail_idx? How to speculate used_idx from avail_idx,
or walk through the ring?
And driver does of course know what the used_wrap_counter is
otherwise it can't work.
Or is this for some kind of
split driver setup where looking at the ring is impossible?
For splitted virtqueue, we don't need to migrate used_idx, but for
packed vq, is it easier if we record and restore it?

+The \field{used_wrap_counter} field is the wrap counter that is used
+by the device.
+See also \ref{sec:Packed Virtqueues / Driver and Device Ring Wrap Counters}.
+When VIRTIO_RING_F_PACKED is not negotiated, the 16-bit value of \field{used_idx}
+is always 0
\chapter{General Initialization And Device Operation}\label{sec:General Initialization And Device Operation}

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