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Subject: Re: [virtio-dev] Re: [RFC PATCH v2 3/3] SPI: Add virtio SPI driver (V10 draft specification).

Hello Haixu,

Thanks. This was a hard one. I knew that I did the delay settingsmost probably somewhat wrong but I had no idea that I did it so wrong.

Reworked, made a new function for this, currently testing. Added the link to the place where your E-Mail is stored


as a comment to the source code and hope this will survive the reviews. Another option would be to add the diagram + the explanations below as quoted here as comment to the code. Whether 30+ lines of comments would survive the reviews I don't know.

Just to say nothing in the code making live hard for people trying to understand the code is something I would like to avoid.


On 30.01.24 04:21, Haixu Cui wrote:
Delay + A +ÂÂÂÂÂ + BÂ +ÂÂÂ + C + D + E + F + A +
ÂÂ ___.ÂÂ .ÂÂÂÂÂ .ÂÂÂ .ÂÂÂ .ÂÂ .ÂÂ .___.___.ÂÂ .
CS#ÂÂ |___.______.____.____.___.___|ÂÂ .ÂÂ |___._____________

NOTE: 1st transfer has two words, the delay betweent these two words are 'B' in the diagram.

A => struct spi_device -> cs_setup
B => max{struct spi_transfer -> word_delay,
ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ struct spi_device -> word_delay}
ÂÂÂ Note: spi_device and spi_transfer both have word_delay, Linux
ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ choose the bigger one, refer to _spi_xfer_word_delay_update
ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ function
C => struct spi_transfer -> delay
D => struct spi_device -> cs_hold
E => struct spi_device -> cs_inactive
F => struct spi_transfer -> cs_change_delay

So the corresponding relationship:
A <===> cs_setup_ns (after CS asserted)
B <===> word_delay_ns (no matter with CS)
C+D <===> cs_delay_hold_ns (before CS deasserted)
E+F <===> cs_change_delay_inactive_ns (after CS deasserted, these two values also recommend in Linux driver to be added up)

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