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Subject: voting and issue tracking for virtio 1.0cs03/1.1

I've given some thought to how we'll manage
spec changes for future versions.
Releasing cs02 required quite a lot of manual
work on my part.

Here's how I suggest we do it for material changes:

- when you want patches to be considered
  for spec inclusion, make sure there's an
  open issue, and include the issue number
  in patch submitted to mailing list, on a line
  by itself e.g.


- summarize change in proposal field
  add link to patch in archives (gmane or oasis

- in Fix Version/s, please include future versions which
  should include the fix.

- in environment, pls list who reported this, and if
  the comment was submitted on virtio-comments or
  the oasis web form, pls mention this.

- move issue to open state, and send me a reminder.

I have a tool that, given the issue number, will:

- copy title and number to ballot title.
- fill in versions to include change in question field.
- fill proposal is description field.

and will then start a 7-day ballot to approve inclusion
in relevant spec version(s).

If the vote is unanimous, patch can then be applied on
all relevant branches (ATM 1.0 and master which will be the future 1.1).
It's probably best to cherry-pick it to make sure it's consistent.
Note: master is not up to date right now, I'll make it up to
date next week.

We will also need some process to periodically approve
post-factum formatting, typo fixes and similar simple changes.
We don't want issue tracking for these I think.
I'll probably put these up for voting about once
a month or so, we'll see.

All this likely will mean there will be a bunch of ballots
running on the TC at all times.
If you can't vote, pls remember to mark up your status
as leave of absence.

Cornelia, could you please start with CCW patches you posted so we can
try this out, see how well it works?


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