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Subject: RE: [ws-caf] propsed text for issue 133

I believe that the F2F decided on the thrust (which is accurately represented in these drafts), and commissioned you to create wording as an editorial task.

In my view no additional vote is needed.



-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Little [mailto:mark.little@arjuna.com]
10 August 2004 09:54
To: ws-caf
Subject: Re: [ws-caf] propsed text for issue 133


I'm unclear as to whether we were expected to vote on this or whether it was determined to be purely editorial. Anyone care to chime in? I'd like to get this sorted asap to get the 0.5 version out.



----- Original Message -----

Sent: Monday, August 09, 2004 11:32 AM

Subject: RE: [ws-caf] propsed text for issue 133


I would suggest amending this to read


"If a context is present on a received message and it [delete: that] contains a context-manager element then that element MAY be used by the recipient to dereference the context. Any other information present in the received context at this point [insert:] cannot be assumed to represent the current or entire contents of the context [delete: SHOULD NOT be assumed to represent the entire context structure]. If the context-manager is dereferenced, it MUST return the entire [insert] current contents of the context, [insert:] i.e. the values corresponding to the context’s child elements held by the context service at the point of receiving the getContents message."




-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Little [mailto:mark.little@arjuna.com]
09 August 2004 11:04
To: ws-caf
Subject: [ws-caf] propsed text for issue 133


Here's is the proposed text for issue 133 (http://services.arjuna.com/wscaf-issues/show_bug.cgi?id=133)


"If a context is present on a received message and it that contains a context-manager element then that element MAY be used by the recipient to dereference the context. Any other information present in the received context at this point SHOULD NOT be assumed to represent the entire context structure. If the context-manager is dereferenced, it MUST return the entire contents of the context."




Mark Little,
Chief Architect, Transactions,
Arjuna Technologies Ltd.


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