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Subject: Minutes from morning of 30th June

roll call
Mark: motion to adopt minutes
Greg: second
Action Items

Context Interop Discussion
The aim was to have a working interop demo by this f2f.  There have been three 
people involved with the interop, John Fuller, Gary Tully and Kevin Conner.  
There has been no Oracle presence in the interop.
John has made very good progress, Kevin has yet to finish and Gary has been 
off work.
The plan is now to have the demo working by the next concall (18th July).
The current demo only involves pass by value, pass by reference will be added 

The current demo does not exercise specific test cases, it would be useful to 
add this into interop.  The interop should validate each specification.

Work on coordination needs to start.  Shouldn't delay demo for transaction.

Martin: John Fuller is still Observer so we need to see about updating his 
status in line with his participation.
Mark: What else is needed for interop documentation, are they deficient in any 
Kevin: schema/wsdl isn't, document probably is.  Needs to be opened up for 
discussion. Only comments so far have been from John, regarding message 
formats.  This should be added to the documentation.

Context issues
One issue, generic identification of context headers
Alastair's motion is already tabled.
Kevin: Current motion doesn't address my reason for raising the issue
Discussion about relationship with mustUnderstand, roles and processing.

Greg: call to vote.
Vote on motion
For: 0, Against: 6, abstain: 0
Motion is defeated.

Current state of context documents
Mark: Context document needs a few spelling changes, schema needs one minor 
Kevin: One concern is Tony's point regarding XMLSpy/WSDL.  The documents have 
been validated and been used to generate code using AXIS wsdl2java, no issues 
were found.  Still need to understand the XMLSpy issue but this can be done in 
parallel with open discussion.

New version of document/WSDL will be sent round for vote, then open up for 
public review.

Coordination issues
Martin: Editorial to change Actual to Separate and WS-Context to WS-CF
Eric: Editorial to use full name instead of acronym for WS-CAF (line 39)

Greg: Editorial Interposition is not a component (line 295)
Greg: motion to move interposition text to the end of 3.1 
Mark: second

Mark: Currently using context fault codes in some cases, should we use cf 
specific ones?
Discussion: Current use of faults is appropriate.

Editorial: line 376, should use states as an example.

Editorial: line 573, as per ws-context or as per the ws-context specification

Editorial: Put members of the committee in the acknowledgements.  Also to be 
done for context. List current active members with thanks to previous members.

Kevin Conner
Arjuna Technologies Ltd.

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