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Subject: Comments on CD02 from Marty Burns



I have reviewed the latest set of documentation and schemas. It seems that some progress has been made in organizing and structuring the standard.


However, there continues to be disagreement between UML models, Schemas, and examples in the text. Also, the schemas are fairly extensive containing dozens of parameters and properties. The definition of all these are left to the reader to deduce from the various references. Some better guide would be reasonable. At least a table of each would be helpful.


Finally, it is not obvious that the intended top level schema for this standard is to be iCalendar-wscal-extensions.xsd. Was there some obvious way to determine this from the standard text?


The major comments in the attached spreadsheet can be summarized as:


1)     Should add support for randomized timing to support many activities that need it.

2)     Examples in the body of the standard are not valid to the schemas provided.

3)     Gluons and Intervals are recursive rather than sequential as I think they were intended.

4)     Parameters are key architectural element of schemas but are not presented in the standard.





Dr. Martin J. Burns


Hypertek Inc.

14624 Country Creek Lane

North Potomac, MD 20878







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