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Subject: Proposal for WS_Calendar namespaces and namespace URI VersioningPolicy

All --

I've looked at quite a number of OASIS documents, namespace declarations, and versioning policies. I think that the attached is useful and functional, and I propose it for discussion on March 11.


bill cox

Showing my work (the proposal is an attachement):

From PR01 and adding the  first para of SCA assembly:

The pattern of the WS-Calendar namespace URI is:


The pattern of the WS-Calendar Timestamp namespace URI is:

Where yyyymm is the century, year and month chosen by the TC for that version of the namespace URI.

Note: I believe that all but timestamp should be in the same namespace. Ready to argue/discuss.  Note for extensibility, someone else can't put something in our namespace, so for EMIX this doesn't work the same. Think "NatGas.xsd"

It is the intent of the OASIS WS-Calendar Technical Committee that the ws-calendar namespace URI will not change arbitrarily with each subsequent revision of the corresponding WSDL or XML Schema documents but rather change only when a subsequent revision, published in conjunction with a Committee Draft, results in non-backwardly compatible changes from a previously published Committee Draft.

Under this policy, the following are examples of backwards compatible changes that would not result in assignment of a new namespace URI:

  • addition of new global element, attribute, complexType and simpleType definitions
  • addition of new operations within a WSDL portType or binding (along with the corresponding schema, message and part definitions)
  • addition of new elements or attributes in locations covered by a previously specified wildcard
  • modifications to the pattern facet of a type definition for which the value-space of the previous definition remains valid or for which the value-space of the preponderance of instance would remain valid
  • modifications to the cardinality of elements for which the value-space of possible instance documents conformant to the previous revision of the schema would still be valid with regards to the revised cardinality rule
 Comparison with SCA 1.1 Assembly:

The pattern of the SCA Assembly namespace URI is:


Where yyyymm is the century, year and month chosen by the TC for that version of the namespace URI.

It is the intent of the OASIS SCA-Assembly Technical Committee that the SCA namespace URI will not change arbitrarily with each subsequent revision of the corresponding WSDL or XML Schema documents but rather change only when a subsequent revision, published in conjunction with a Committee Draft, results in non-backwardly compatible changes from a previously published Committee Draft.

Under this policy, the following are examples of backwards compatible changes that would not result in assignment of a new namespace URI:

  • addition of new global element, attribute, complexType and simpleType definitions
  • addition of new operations within a WSDL portType or binding (along with the corresponding schema, message and part definitions)
  • addition of new elements or attributes in locations covered by a previously specified wildcard
  • modifications to the pattern facet of a type definition for which the value-space of the previous definition remains valid or for which the value-space of the preponderance of instance would remain valid
  • modifications to the cardinality of elements for which the value-space of possible instance documents conformant to the previous revision of the schema would still be valid with regards to the revised cardinality rule
Proposed namespaces for wscalendar, where the date of publication is assumed to be in March, 2011:


Full text with proposed namespace evolution and namespace declarations attached.


William Cox
Email: wtcox@CoxSoftwareArchitects.com
Web: http://www.CoxSoftwareArchitects.com
+1 862 485 3696 mobile
+1 908 277 3460 fax
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\f0\fs32 \cf0 Declared namespaces for this specification:\
For the Namespace Document:\
The pattern of the WS-Calendar namespace URI is:\
The pattern of the WS-Calendar Timestamp namespace URI is:\
Where yyyymm is the century, year and month chosen by the TC for that version of the namespace URI.\
It is the intent of the OASIS WS-Calendar Technical Committee that the WS-Calendar namespace URI will not change arbitrarily with each subsequent revision of the corresponding WSDL or XML Schema documents but rather change only when a subsequent revision, published in conjunction with a Committee Specification Draft, results in non-backwardly compatible changes from a previously published Committee Draft.\
\ls1\ilvl0\cf0 Under this policy, the following are examples of backwards compatible changes that would not result in assignment of a new namespace URI:\
\cf0 \
\ls2\ilvl0\cf0 {\listtext	\'95	}addition of new global element, attribute, complexType and simpleType definitions\
{\listtext	\'95	}addition of new operations within a WSDL portType or binding (along with the corresponding schema, message and part definitions)\
{\listtext	\'95	}addition of new elements or attributes in locations covered by a previously specified wildcard\
{\listtext	\'95	}modifications to the pattern facet of a type definition for which the value-space of the previous definition remains valid or for which the value-space of the preponderance of instance would remain valid\
{\listtext	\'95	}modifications to the cardinality of elements for which the value-space of possible instance documents conformant to the previous revision of the schema would still be valid with regards to the revised cardinality rule\
\cf0 \

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