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Subject: Re: [ws-calendar] Replicating structures in vAvailability

Toby -

If I have your comment correctly, there are two different "intervals" in Availability. This is because there are different constraints in the respective uses per https://www.ietf.org/id/draft-ietf-calext-availability-00.pdf. The structure is the same only if you ignore cardinality and the semantics that drive cardinality.

Looking at the cardinality for the attributes/elements:
  • AvailabilityIntervalType:  ALL of the attributes are optional 0..1 - used for expressing availability within the TimeRange. "How about never - is never OK for you?" is a valid AvailabilityInterval.
  • TimeRangeType:  dtStart is mandatory; duration and tZ optional - the scope of the availability (a "bounding interval")  "From this day forth" is a valid TimeRange.

So these are for different purposes and have different semantics.

This might have been modeled as a simple IntervalType with differing constraints, but the constraints (a) don't show in the UML diagrams clearly and (b) they have different semantic purposes. 



William Cox 

Email: wtcox@CoxSoftwareArchitects.com 

Web: http://www.CoxSoftwareArchitects.com 

+1 862 485 3696 mobile

On 7/22/15 3:32 PM, Toby Considine wrote:

We have identical “Interval structures” in two places in Availability. By Interval Structure, I mean dtStart and Duration and Time Zone.



Notice we have a Time Range in the overall VAvailability typem as well as an Availability Interval within each Availability component.


1)      Should these be collapsed into a common Type?

2)      If so, should they share the same name

3)      Should this observation be shared back with Cyrus (I think not, as it is less jarring in RELAX)



“The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.”

– George Bernard Shaw.

Toby Considine
TC9, Inc.

Phone: (919)619-2104



Chair, OASIS OBIX Technical Committee

Chair, OASIS WS-Calendar Technical Committee

Editor, OASIS Energy Market Information Exchange (EMIX) Editor, OASIS Energy Interoperation
blog: http://www.NewDaedalus.com 



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