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Subject: RE: [ws-rx-editors] updated spec + i019 and i028

Maybe this was already answered but I don’t immediately see a response. It is not true that adding a document with the same name keeps the url the same. It is actually a huge pain that it doesn’t, I’d prefer to give a url for a specific version and have one be the latest like at W3C but that is not how Kavi works. Kavi creates an id for each document revision that becomes part of the url. So every time you update a doc there you get a new url, same name or not.


From: Yalcinalp, Umit [mailto:umit.yalcinalp@sap.com]
Sent: Sunday, September 18, 2005 6:01 PM
To: Patil, Sanjay; Doug Davis; ws-rx-editors@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: RE: [ws-rx-editors] updated spec + i019 and i028


Yes, you are correct.


However, there is a problem. The document name stays the same. My understanding/assumption was that we will have individual URLs and identifiers that reflect the version numbers. This is easily solved with the cvs, but not here. It is one of the things that Paul Cotton wanted to have, if i understood him correctly at the concall. In order to use the replace mechanism, we need a stable name which does not make sense. Wouldn't you agree?


Here is what I will do. I will post the original and second version as two different urls.





From: Patil, Sanjay
Sent: Friday, Sep 16, 2005 5:17 PM
To: Yalcinalp, Umit; Doug Davis; ws-rx-editors@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: RE: [ws-rx-editors] updated spec + i019 and i028


I though if you "Add a revision", it will both replace the previous version (only one listing on the page) as well as keep the previous copy in the system.





From: Yalcinalp, Umit [mailto:umit.yalcinalp@sap.com]
Sent: Friday, Sep 16, 2005 16:25 PM
To: Doug Davis; ws-rx-editors@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: RE: [ws-rx-editors] updated spec + i019 and i028

I suggest that we put the URL as TBD on to the docs we post. We need to come up with a solution at the time when we publish a committee draft I reckon.


I have another issue with the versions of the drafts. Are we going to add separate docs for the draft versions or "replace" the previous version? If the do the former it is easy to see the previous docs/pdf but it takes hell  of a space on the page. I deferred publishing the original document and the new version (pending corrections with issues closed) until I hear from the rest of you.







From: Doug Davis [mailto:dug@us.ibm.com]
Sent: Friday, Sep 16, 2005 2:31 PM
To: ws-rx-editors@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: RE: [ws-rx-editors] updated spec + i019 and i028

You're right.  Attached is a new version with the correct doc id.  Don't know about the url issue.  For now I was just going to add it to the website and people could get to it from the list of docs.

"Yalcinalp, Umit" <umit.yalcinalp@sap.com>

09/16/2005 04:50 PM


Doug Davis/Raleigh/IBM@IBMUS, <ws-rx-editors@lists.oasis-open.org>




RE: [ws-rx-editors] updated spec + i019 and i028




I have not had the time to look at your changes yet, however I noticed one thing right away that the document identifier in the version you sent needs to be fixed.
I was going to ask you guys your opinion about what the Location URL should be. This is perhaps an issue which is not in the issue list, but needs to be resolved. Currently, no one will be able to download the actual document using the location identifier.

From: Doug Davis [mailto:dug@us.ibm.com]
Thursday, Sep 15, 2005 5:52 PM
[ws-rx-editors] updated spec + i019 and i028

Here's a new version of the spec with the changes from the Close() proposal.  I used Anish's version that he sent on 8/16 as the basis.  This included all of his minor editorial changes.  Please give it a quick scan.  I'm pretty sure the text itself is ok but if someone can double check my schema and wsdl changes I'd appreciate it.  If everyone is ok with this I'd like to post it to the web site soon (like maybe tomorrow night) to allow people the maximum amount of time to use it for new issues.

Note - I renamed it to ws-03



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