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Subject: RE: [ws-rx-editors] Am I going to be this terrible?

It depends on how much you want to read into the label "yyyymm". On one end of the spectrum you could say that the label is completely arbitrary and we are only using year and month as a handy way to pick something unique. On the other end of the spectrum you could insist that the year and month must accurately reflect the exact year and month on which "something important" (like a CD being accepted etc.) happens (of course then you get into arguments about what this "something important" is).
Personally I tend to fall somewhere in the middle of this spectrum. According to our own policies we need to change the namespace URI. "200602" is certainly different from "200510" and that's good enough for now.
- gp

From: Marc Goodner [mailto:mgoodner@microsoft.com]
Sent: Wednesday, March 01, 2006 12:04 PM
To: ws-rx-editors@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: [ws-rx-editors] Am I going to be this terrible?



Assuming the CD passes, should the namespace be updated to 200603 rather than 200602?


Before you throw anything at me I’m not sure it should be. Particularly if we put together a new CD to go to PR before the end of this month. I’m not sure that’s feasible, but if it is we might want to still have the availability of the 200603 dated namespace.


Marc Goodner

Technical Diplomat

Microsoft Corporation

Tel: (425) 703-1903

Blog: http://spaces.msn.com/mrgoodner/


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