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Subject: Proposed items for the Raleigh Face-to-Face Agenda

Here is a starting point for next week's F2F agenda.
As you look at this agenda you will realize that this is our last chance 
to change and improve the spec before we go for PR.
Now would be a good time for the TC to thoroughly re-read the spec and 
raise any issues.

Ideally new issues would be raised before this weeks call to allow time 
for the TC to think over them.

Suggestions for the agenda before (or on) this week's call please.

Proposed Agenda.

Tues 9-5 Interop
Weds 9-12 Interop continued

Weds 12-1 Lunch

13:00-14:00 Kickoff
 - Welcome from hosts
 - Roll call
 - Review of Agenda
 - Admin
     (previous minutes etc)
 - Review of open issues and acceptance of any new issues

Detailed review of Results from Interop
Raising of any new issues from Interop

Planning for next (online-only) Interop

16:00-17:00 Discussion of any new issues.

8:30-9:00 breakfast

9:00-11:00 Anonymous URI and Offer - review of the Interop Scenario 2.4

11:00-12:00 Any outstanding Policy issues

12:00-13:00 Lunch

13:00-15:00 Review and update of State Tables

15:00-16:00 Planning
 - Editors next steps
 - CD4
 - Ballot for PR
 - Public Review
 - Future distributed and F2F schedule

16:00 End


Paul Fremantle
VP/Technology, WSO2 and OASIS WS-RX TC Co-chair


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