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Subject: RE: [ws-rx] NEW ISSUE: Scope of CS/Offer/Endpoint

Yup - its good we got more precise in our words.  This could be considered more of an editorial fix, but being just a monkey I didn't want to presume anything :-0

STSM  |  Web Services Architect  |  IBM Software Group
(919) 254-6905  |  IBM T/L 444-6905  |  dug@us.ibm.com

"Gilbert Pilz" <gpilz@bea.com>

01/24/2007 04:16 PM

Doug Davis/Raleigh/IBM@IBMUS, <ws-rx@lists.oasis-open.org>
RE: [ws-rx] NEW ISSUE: Scope of CS/Offer/Endpoint

While I don't specifically disagree with the proposal, I note that the original term "WS-RM protocol messages" did have a certain degree of ambiguity to it (which is one of the reasons we revised our definitions). Some people thought that it meant just Close, Terminate, AckReq, etc. Others thought that it meant any message associated with the WS-RM protocol including those that we now call Sequence Traffic Messages. The inclusion of Sequence Traffic Messages in the definition of CS/Offer/Endpoint reflects this later definition . . .
- gp

From: Doug Davis [mailto:dug@us.ibm.com]
Wednesday, January 24, 2007 12:57 PM
[ws-rx] NEW ISSUE: Scope of CS/Offer/Endpoint

Title: Scope of CS/Offer/Endpoint


Current RM spec defines CS/Offer/Endpoint as:


An RM Source MUST include this element, of type wsa:EndpointReferenceType (as specified byWS-Addressing). This element specifies the endpoint reference to which Sequence Lifecycle Messages,Sequence Traffic Messages, Acknowledgement Requests, and fault messages related to the offeredSequence are to be sent.

Implementations MUST NOT use an endpoint reference in the Endpoint element that would prevent the sending of Sequence Lifecycle Message, Sequence Traffic Message, etc. For example, using the WS-Addressing "http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing/none" IRI would make it impossible for the RM Destination to ever send Sequence Lifecycle Messages (e.g. TerminateSequence) to the RM Source for the Offered Sequence. Implementations MAY use the WS-MakeConnection anonymous URI template and doing so implies that messages will be retrieved using a mechanism such as the MakeConnection message.

The inclusion of the "Sequence Traffic Messages" actually isn't correct.  Sequence Traffic Message (ie. app messages) go to other EPRs, like wsa:ReplyTo - just like RM was even being used.  CS/Offer/Endpoint is supposed to be for RM protocol messages (Close, Terminate, AckReq...).  I think when we switched over to the new RM terms we got a bit too excited  :-)  The old text used to say:

...This element specifies the endpoint reference to which WS-RM protocol messages related to the offered Sequence are to be sent.


Remove "Sequence Traffic Message" from the current definition of CS/Offer/Endpoint.  It appears in 2 spots.

STSM  |  Web Services Architect  |  IBM Software Group
(919) 254-6905  |  IBM T/L 444-6905  |  dug@us.ibm.com

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