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Subject: WS-SX TC Minutes, Oct 11 2006

WS-SX TC Minutes, Oct 11 2006


Summary of new Action Items:



1. Call to order/roll call





2. Reading/Approving minutes of last meeting (Oct 4)


Adopted unanimously.


3. TC Logistics (10 minutes or less)

Waiting until next month to revisit F2F schedule.


4. Issues list



a) Review of action items

AI-2006-10-04-06 - Kelvin to update public TC web pages with Public review info




AI-2006-10-04-02 - Marc to delve into TC document organization issues and report back

Will get this out first week of November.


b) Issues in Review status





c) New issues


i114 - Additional algorithm properties, assertions and references needed

About adding additional algorithms and comments/no comments


Why comments/no comments?

Looking at what could or could not state which kind of cannaocalization is required.

Started from looking at things expressed in the minimalist profile.


This should not break anything there today, it is just an extension.

Adding the Ex14N assertion does remove it as a default. When there is an assertion for something it cannot be a default, the assertion must be used.

Others feel that things should always be explicit.


i115 - Universal Encryption of UsernameToken (as specified by Appendix D, d.4, 3.) seems wrong

The rule seems wrong as described. This is related to issue 116, is the rule even normative.


i116 - Is Appendix D Normative?

Is this a summary or not? The information does not seem to be available elsewhere.

Marc assigned as owner to look into where these rules may have come from in the rest of the text.


d) Active issues


i066 - SecurityPolicy use cases

Confused as to how policy expression examples without some description of processing be described. Even in being less specific you are still giving some description of processing.

Statements like “A username is presented for authentication”.

The concern seems to be that the processing statements need to be made more genericlly. There will need to be some amount of process


i081 - Provide policy statements and associated URIs that can be referenced from wsp:PolicyReference statements


i090 - Description of Strict Formatting seems wrong for EncryptedKey

Update from Gudge: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/ws-sx/200610/msg00021.html

Hal needs to look into this, should be ready by next week.


i101 - Need additional SamlToken Assertion Elements for Holder-of-Key and Sender-Vouches

101 is also dependent upon issue 66.


PR001 - Question on WS-Trust sections 4.3.5 to 4.3.7

Should have something out to the TC next week.



f) Pending issues


All pending issues applied in r10 update posted last week.


Status of all pending issues changed to closed unanimously.


i083 - Remove shading from figures, possibly enlarge


i086 - No policy support for content encryption?


i096 - Ensure Appendix A is complete


i110 - QName support for specifying elements that need to be present in the message


5. Next steps


Interop doc discussion, Greg looking at addressing negative testing in the document.


Tony would like to see a CD before starting the interop.

Discussion of what sort of bar was needed to create a CD.

Some opinions that this would entail closing all issues first while others expressed that was not necessary if we were heading directly into an interop and not PR.

Opinions that people were in favor of a CD now were heard.

No one objected to putting the SP up for a vote for CD.

Chairs advised people to try to get current SP issues resolved and to read the doc to get any issues on the table. People should be prepared for the possibility of a CD vote soon.


Concerns on the interop doc itself were expressed that there were still open issues against it. None seem to be recorded in the issue list.


6. AOB




7. Adjournment


The meeting adjourned at 7:40am PST



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