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Subject: Re: [ws-tx] Issue 045 - WS-AT: Meaning of "wsp:Optional"

The 3 semantics that WS-AT is trying to represent are:
a policy alternative that indicates that a tx context MUST be sent by a
a policy alternative that indicates that a tx context SHOULD NOT be sent to
a requester
a policy alternative that indicates that a tx context MAY be sent to a

It is the TX domain that is defining presence of the policy assertion as
"MUST send TX context". I don't understand why it is a misuse of Policy for
the TX domain to define absence of this assertion as "SHOULD NOT send TX
context". If this is a misuse of Policy, then how could the above 3
alternatives be more properly expressed?

Ian Robinson

             "Monica J.                                                    
             <Monica.Martin@Su                                          To 
             n.COM>                    Ram Jeyaraman                       
             Sent by:                  <Ram.Jeyaraman@microsoft.com>       
             Monica.Martin@Sun                                          cc 
             .COM                      ws-tx@lists.oasis-open.org          
                                       Re: [ws-tx] Issue 045 - WS-AT:      
             08/05/2006 21:01          Meaning of "wsp:Optional"           

>> jeyaraman: It is possible for a client to infer MAY behavior based on
>> the
>> normalized policy alternatives (MUST and SHOULD NOT).
>> For example, an operation may advertise a compact form of the AT policy
>> assertion, such as:
>> 1 <wsdl:operation name="TransferFunds" >
>> 2 <wsp:Policy>
>> 3 <wsat:ATAssertion wsp:optional="true" />
>> 4 </wsp:Policy>
>> 5 </wsdl:operation>
>> A consumer may normalize the above policy expression (in compact form)
>> into two policy alternatives: one with AT assertion (MUST) and another
>> without it (SHOULD NOT). These two alternatives indicate that the AT
>> behavior MAY be engaged.
>> Hence, there is no need for a new attribute.
mm1: Ram, let's separate Issue 45 [reference 1] concerns here:

    (1) Composition with WS-Policy and the use of the compact form
    (shortcut for expressing multiple alternatives)
    (2) WS-AT intended use of this optional attribute

Clearly, choices made where wsat:ATAssertion wsp:Optional="true" is used
or not, and if the policy is normalized, have impacts to implementation
and interoperability.

(1) In Section 3.2 of WS-Policy [reference 2]:

"An assertion whose type is part of the policy's vocabulary but is
not included in an alternative is explicitly prohibited by the

Interpretation of the above WS-Policy text indicates that the WS-AT
description of the compact shortcut, wsp:Optional="true", has to be the
policy alternatives "MUST" and "MUST NOT" rather than the current
specified alternatives of "MUST" and "SHOULD NOT". Otherwise, WS-AT is
misusing WS-Policy.

(2) WS-Policy does not prohibit postponing the selection of a final
policy alternative, and this could be done with normalized forms, at the
expense of a complex client interface. But, your simple example contains
only a single assertion. In actual applications, a policy alternative
can and likely will contain multiple types of policy assertions
[reference 3].
According to WS-Policy, a wsdl:binding/wsdl:operation can have a set of
policy alternatives, one of which MUST be chosen. The final selection of
one alternative could be delayed so long as they are acceptable to both
client and service.
However, it is unlikely that all types of assertions can support
postponing the selection of a final policy alternative.

In Section 5.2, WS-AT:

    "The absence of the assertion is interpreted to mean that a
    transaction SHOULD NOT be flowed inside a requester’s message."

There are two points of view to the above stated behavior. If a
requestor's message does flow a transaction that SHOULD NOT have been
flowed, the current WS-AT specification leaves undefined how the service
would handle such an unexpected transaction.

The WS-AT specification does not state what happens when a policy
assertion is not met. We should define that a service interpretation of
the policy assertion takes precedence when the requestor flows a
transaction context it should not have flowed. The service can either
silently ignore the non-requested transaction context or it can fault on
the mismatch between client and service interpretation of the wsat
policy assertion.


[1] Issue 45:
http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/ws-tx/200603/msg00168.html (on
public site)

[2] Reference: http://www.w3.org/Submission/WS-Policy/, see some of the
sections important to this discussion:
p. 6, 3.1 Policy Assertion
"A policy assertion identifies a behavior that is a requirement (or
capability) of a policy subject."

p. 6, 3.2 Policy Alternative
"A policy alternative is a logical construct which represents a
potentially empty collection of policy assertions. An alternative with
zero assertions indicates no behaviors. An alternative with one or more
assertions indicates behaviors implied by those, and only those

"An assertion whose type is part of the policy's vocabulary but is not
included in an alternative is explicitly prohibited by the alternative."

p. 7, 3.4 Web services
"A requester may choose any alternative since each is a valid
configuration for interaction with a service, but a requester MUST
choose only a single alternative for an interaction with a service since
each represents an alternative configuration."

"A policy assertion is supported by a requester if and only if the
requester satisfies the requirement (or accommodates the capability)
corresponding to the assertion."

p. 10, 4.3.1 Optional Policy Assertions
"To indicate that a policy assertion is optional, this specification
defines an attribute that is a syntactic shortcut for expressing policy
alternatives with and without the assertion." [schema for Optional follows]
If true, the expression of the assertion is semantically equivalent to
the following:
<wsp:All><Assertion ...> ... </Assertion> </wsp:All>
<wsp:All />

If false, the expression of the assertion is semantically equivalent to
the following:
<wsp:All><Assertion ...> ...</Assertion></wsp:All>

Omitting this attribute is semantically equivalent to including it with
a value of false." [an example follows with an actual assertion]

[3] According to WS-Policy, an alternative is a set of options

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