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wsbpel-spec-edit message

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Subject: some editorial TODO item

Hi all,

Dieter discovered one editorial leftover for "forEach" activity?
Any volunteer for this TODO item?

Vinky, do you want to warm up your pen for this? :-)

Alex Yiu

>(1) Does bpws:repeatedCompensation still exist?
>=> Assaf just removed it.
>(2) The "forEach" activity is missing in section 6.2 "The Structure of a 
>Business Process"
>=> Yes, we should add an introduction for "forEach" to section 6.2. It 
>can be handled as a pure editorial changes, I think.
>I guess: one of editors send out proposed introduction text to the spec 
>edit email list. If no controversy, the spec will go into the spec text.
>Dieter Koenig1 wrote:
>>(1) Does bpws:repeatedCompensation still exist?
>>Section 13.3.3. "Invoking a Compensation Handler" has the following text:
>>"(...) Any subsequent attempts to invoke the never installed compensation
>>handler will also result in a no-op (as does any attempt to invoke an
>>installed compensation more than once)."
>>==> If it is always a no-op then the fault is no longer needed, however,
>>section 14.6. "Compensation" and Appendix A. "Standard Faults" both still
>>refer to bpws:repeatedCompensation.
>>(2) The "forEach" activity is missing in section 6.2 "The Structure of a
>>Business Process"
>>==> "forEach" must be added to the bulleted list of activities explaining
>>the token "activity".

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