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Subject: Info and Agenda for Dec. 9-10 face to face meeting

We hope to see many of you in Florida this coming week. 
Info on the Identitech headquarters location of the meeting can be 
obtained at:   http://www.identitech.com/company/lodging.htm
If you've not yet gotten your reservations, there is a block of rooms 
being held at the Hilton Melbourne Rialto Place (info on the page above). 
You should call the hotel directly and ask for the Identitech block of 
rooms as the general status of this hotel is that it is full (as are many 
of the others in the area). 

When you arrive at Identitech on Tuesday, park in the visitors area and go 
to the reception desk.  For those of you who have "RSVP"ed, there should 
be name tags available at the desk.  If you've not had a chance to RSVP, 
please do so to John and me by Monday.   We'll provide a roster to the 
front desk in case of any omissions.  The personnel at the front desk will 
call Mike or Madeline to arrange an escort to our meeting room. 

Dial in info
For those of you who will attend by phone,  dial in info is:  US 
1-888-711-4576,  Toll/International Callers = 1-484-630-9377,
On Tuesday the Password is 53636
On Wednesday the password is  48131

We will start the meeting promptly at 9 am on Tuesday and take roll call 
then.   We will not have operator provided rosters for this meeting so 
will have to verify attendees verbally.  On Tuesday, we will adjourn at 
approximately 5:30.  On Wednesday, we will start at 9am and will adjourn 
at approximately 2:30 PM. 

Throughout the meeting, we will take a checkpoint every 2 hours to review 
agenda progress,  summarize discussion, and where appropriate vote.  If 
you are participating by phone, please try to be available at these 
Proposed agenda: 
- Roll call/determine quorum 
- Review/accept minutes from Nov. 26 meeting. 
- Nomination/volunteers to take minutes for this meeting
- Review agenda. 
- Vote on issues with proposed resolutions 50, 62, 77, 85
- Review/approve latest draft document  (vote will be deferred if members 
object to short review time)
- Issue discussion
1. Coordination between processes
prepare for specific issues with the following: 
- multi start use case under development by Monica and Sid
- implementation scenarios with Rania and possibly others
- discuss  Issues 2, 16, 30, 53-59, 10, 37, 78, 81, 25 and the multi-start 
thread of email that was active on Oct. 
2. Correlation (issues left over from Sept. f2f)  including 8, 26, 28, 29, 
31, 33, 37 and 44.
3. Error handling and compensation (leftover from Sept f2f) including 1, 
25, 30.
4. WSDL, XML and related issues (left over from Sept.): 11,  note: 
discussion 15 deferred pending WSDL group work on MEP.  Issue 13 may be 
ready for discussion. 
Note - Event handler issues: 43 will be deferred until Jan.
- Liaison discussion
  Rajesh is putting a summary together.  Martin Chapman has offered an 
update on WS CAF TC and  David Webber has offered one on BCM. 
- Use case subgroup report 
Overall progress on use cases 
- Reports from issues coordination subgroup and spec editing team as 
- Finalize faq for web page
- New Business

Regards, Diane Jordan and John Evdemon
Co-chairs, WS BPEL TC 

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