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Subject: Re: [wsbpel] Re: Issue 34 - Proposal for vote

Hi, all,

After weeks of internal and external discussion, here is our viewpoint derived from Ron's original idea [opaque or anyType of endpoint reference - EPR].

We think: just the URI may be too simple for some advanced cases, while explicit WSA dependency is not appropriate for the openness of the BPEL spec. 

Introducing a wrapper:
I think we should borrow the same spirit of pluggability of expression and query language here. We allow different expression languages to be used within BPEL by providing the namespace URI of that language in the right places.

<xs:element name="service-ref" type= tns:ServiceRefType />
<xs:complexType name="ServiceRefType">
        <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
<xs:attribute name="reference-scheme" type="xs:anyURI" use="required"/>

The partnerlink should contain this "service-ref" element for the endpoint references of partnerRole or myRole.
<service-ref reference-scheme="http://foo.org">
   <foo:barEPR xmlns:foo="http://foo.org"> ... </foo:barEPR>

We agree with Ron that it may take more than few months for the industry to converge on ONE single addressing or EPR scheme. Instead of keep delaying BPEL TC itself, we should make leave it open. And let the industry take its own course to find out its convergence point.
BPEL spec should be as flexible as possible to allow the convergence happen.

Even after the industry has converged into one addressing or EPR scheme in future, we may still need to face the versioning issue.

For WSA alone, we already have two versions floating around.
WSA by itself already presents us the version conversion problem. The solution of this problem would require the semantics listed above.


Alex Yiu

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