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Subject: Re: [wsbpel] Issue 6 - Rough draft of proposal for vote


Here are some examples how to use completeCondition to express similar business logic in Axel's previous email:

(A) "Select one out of three" example:
    <completeCondition branch="1" />
    <invoke name="CheckAirlineA" ... />
    <invoke name="CheckAirlineB" ... />
    <invoke name="CheckAirlineC" ... />

(B) "Select two out of three" example:
    <completeCondition branch="2" />
    <invoke name="AskRefereeA" ... />
    <invoke name="AskRefereeB" ... />
    <invoke name="AskRefereeC" ... />

As you guys can see, the completeCondition declaration is very straight forward and simple. No complicated links and joinCondition usage.

(C) "(Plane or Train) and Hotel" example: It would become two flow constructed (nested).

<assign> ... <to variable="planeResult"></assign>
   <!-- initialize "planeResult" with
NOT-OK value -->
<assign> ... <to variable="trainResult"></assign>
   <!-- initialize "trainResult" with NOT-OK value -->
<flow name="checkIterinary">
    <flow name="PlaneOrPlane">
            fn:planeOK(planeResult) or

       <invoke name="CheckPlane" outputVariable="planeResult" ... />
       <invoke name="CheckTrain" outputVariable="trainResult" ... />
    <invoke name="checkHotel" />
<switch name="bookingSwitch">
fn:planeOK(planeResult) or fn:trainOK(trainResult)) and fn:hotelOK(hotelResult)
        <invoke name="invokeBooking" ... />
          <invoke name="writeInformation" ... />

Please note that regardless whether we pick a link-oriented approach or completeCondition approach:
  • The initialization of result variables are needed because of potential cancellation of one of the invoke between train and plane
  • The "fn:*()" represents the logic to determine whether a traveling resource is available. They are used in either the transitionCondition of links or the condition of switch/case.
As you guys see, we don't need declare to six links. The completeCondition and case-condition are much simpler and easier to understand.

I attach a diagram to illustrate the above flows.

I guess we can still more time in terms of refiniment of joinCondition evaluation. However, I don't think that should be the only approach to achieve complete condition related logic.


Alex Yiu

Alex Yiu wrote:


+1 to what Ivana said in general.

Few points to add:
  • Axel's proposed enhancement to control links evaluation works to an extent for static parallelism  (e.g. <flow>). However, control links do not work well in dynamic parallelism (e.g. "parallel forEach" or "bundle"). I think the notion of completeCondition (borrowed from Ivana and DK) is general enough and it should be applied to both static and dynamic parallelism. A general completeCondition mechanism will be easier for BPEL users to learn.
  • Even in a pure static parallelism case, completeCondition has much better code clarity. It is more declarative and easier for BPEL users to understand. It will eliminate significant amount of joinCondition programming, which may be error prone. (I will send another email later to show how completeCondition can be used to express the same semantics of Axel's example).
  • In one of my previous emails, I also tried to use a "macro" way to illustrate how outstanding running flows can be cancelled by throwing a fault within a scope. The illustration has the same compensation handler installation problem that Ivana has pointed out. The "illustraction macro" does NOT carry a desirable and intended semantics. We need to create / describe a new mechanism to cancel parallel flow without throwing a fault. (That was discussed briefly between Edwin and me at Oracle).


Alex Yiu

Trickovic, Ivana wrote:


I find the idea interesting. In fact, I was discussing the completion condition issue with Dieter Koenig during the last f2f meeting and his suggestion was also to try to resolve this issue using links. And we identified that several changes need to be done, including removing restriction for jonCondition, that "the join condition is evaluated as soon as all incoming links of the activity are determined" - so definitely "immediate" semantics needs to be introduced.


I have the following comments on your proposal.

1. In your proposal you are using a fault (bpws:forcedTermination) to terminate all active parallel branches. But this changes the outcome of the flow activity. It will always end abnormally and compensation handler (if it is defined) will never be installed. Although completion condition has evaluated to true and needed activities have completed the enclosing flow activity will end abnormally. Is this really intended semantics?


2. Your proposal does not address some pain points. For example, in case of "N out of M", N<M there many possible "variations":

(A) One enclosed activity may experience problems but the <flow> activity may succeed

(B) One of enclosed activities may experience a severe error, which may have impact on the <flow> activity

The question is what to do with running activities? In the latter case, reasonable behavior would be: if one enclosed activity does not succeed other running activities should be cancelled and the flow activity should try to recover. In the former case, we should allow active parallel activities to complete their work. This is not supported in your proposal.





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