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Subject: Issue - 187 - Legality of Explicitly throwing or rethrowing Standard faults

Title: Message
This issue has been added to the wsbpel issue list with a status of "received". The status will be changed to "open" if the TC accepts it as identifying a bug in the spec or decides it should be accepted specially. Otherwise it will be closed without further consideration (but will be marked as "Revisitable")

The issues list is posted as a Technical Committee document to the OASIS WSBPEL TC pages on a regular basis. The current edition, as a TC document, is the most recent version of the document entitled in the "Issues" folder of the WSBPEL TC document list - the next posting as a TC document will include this issue. The list editor's working copy, which will normally include an issue when it is announced, is available at this constant URL.


Issue 187: Legality of Explicitly throwing or rethrowing Standard faults

Status: received
Date added: 20 Jan 2005
Categories: Fault handling
Date submitted: 19 January 2005
Submitter: Prasad Yendluri
Document: WSBPEL Working Draft, December 2004
Description: The specification needs to clearly identify any constraints on handling of BPEL defined standard faults (see Appendix-A) or clearly state if there are no constraints.
The standard-faults that BPEL specification defines in the "bpws" namespace are special kind of faults that are thrown by the BPEL implementations rather than by the BPEL application logic. The specification needs to address any constraints associated with these faults.
Specifically can these faults *ever* be "thrown" or "rethrown" (or catch and throw again) explicitly in the BPEL application logic, fault-handlers etc.? If they can be thrown are rethrown can arbitrary "data" be attached with the throw?
Section 13.4 (3rd para) of the WS-BPEL specification states:
"The core concepts and exexutable pattern extensions of WS-BPEL define several standard faults with their names *and data*".
However, the specification does not define anywhere in the main spec or the Appendix A any *data* (body) associated with any of the standrads faults defined by BPEL.
So, if no data is ever associated with the standard faults, then that should be stated.
Unfortunately there are no examples that show the use of (e.g. in ) the standard faults. I think it would be very useful to have one or two examples that show the use of standard faults (catch and throw / rethrow if applicable).

Submitter's proposal: None so far.
Changes: 20 Jan 2005 - new issue


Best Regards,


Tony Fletcher

Technical Advisor
Choreology Ltd.
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