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Subject: Re: [wsbpel] Issue - 86 - Proposal For Vote

Yes, I did miss thta call; I will wait to see the new text, thanks.


                      "Monica J.                                                                                                        
                      Martin"                  To:       Francisco Curbera/Watson/IBM@IBMUS                                             
                      <Monica.Martin@Su        cc:       "Furniss, Peter" <Peter.Furniss@choreology.com>, Ugo Corda                     
                      n.COM>                    <UCorda@SeeBeyond.com>, "'Wsbpel@Lists. Oasis-Open. Org (E-mail)'"                      
                                                <wsbpel@lists.oasis-open.org>, ygoland@bea.com                                          
                      01/25/2005 09:13         Subject:  Re: [wsbpel] Issue - 86 - Proposal For Vote                                    

Francisco Curbera wrote:

>I agree with Yaron. I don't know what this new sentence buys for us; what
>exactly would a reader of the spec make of that text, except to get a bit
>more confused than he/she already is?
mm1: Paco.
If you perhaps missed the TC call 19 January 2005, we agreed to revise
this text and some complementary text would be helpful. A revision is in
work between Ron Ten-Hove, Yaron Goland and I. Thanks.

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