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Subject: Re: [wsbpel] Fixing up extensiblity syntax in BPEL by using <annotation>pattern

If we are not matching any other specification's scheme, that I'd like 
to make a friendly amendmant that we call the element extension. It 
clearly conveys what the element is about.


Alex Yiu wrote:

> Hi,
> Yes, the syntax are very similar but not identical.
> There is a minor difference: I do not make use of the <appinfo> wrapper.
> XSD syntax:
> <annotation>
> <documentation> anything goes </documentation>*
> <appinfo source="URI"?> xsd:any </appinfo>*
> </annotation>
> BPEL syntax:
> <annotation>
> <documentation> anything goes </documentation>*
>  xsd:any*
> </annotation>
> If people have strong opinion of having similar to <appinfo>, I don't 
> mind adding it.
> As of now, I don't see a big need of it.
> Regards,
> Alex Yiu
> Assaf Arkin wrote:
>> If I remember correctly, the XSD syntax is:
>> <annotation>
>>  <documentation> anything goes </documentation>
>>  <appinfo> anything goes </appinfo>?
>> </annotation>
>> All application extensions are placed in the appinfo element of the 
>> annotation element.
>> Assaf
>> Alex Yiu wrote:
>>> Hi, all,
>>> I would like to discuss the following issue in upcoming BPEL F2F: 
>>> either as a standalone issue or as a sub-issue Issue 111 or Issue 11.
>>> =============================================
>>>       Fixing up extensiblity syntax in BPEL by using <annotation> 
>>> pattern
>>> _*Issue Description:*_
>>> Currently, we have a number of places which make uses of <xsd:any> 
>>> (aka extensibility or xml-data placeholder) in our BPEL language:
>>>    1. xsd:any to any BPEL activity and bpws:tExtensible construct:
>>>       e.g. <empty>, <sequence> or <flow>)
>>>    2. literal form of from-spec
>>>    3. query and expression language as a result of Issue 13
>>>    4. extended assign operation as a result of Issue 11.1
>>>    5. Other extensibilities: e.g. extension actvity if we pass Issue 
>>> 111
>>> Mix and matching all these extension points and xsd:any produces a 
>>> bunch of syntax and semantic ambiguities. Given our current 
>>> extension syntax, we find it very difficult to come-up a very clear 
>>> and easy-to-use syntax grammar.
>>> Since not all the people on this email list are XSD experts here, I 
>>> am going to illustrate those ambiguities by some samples and EBNF:
>>>     * _Semantic ambiguity in from-spec:_
>>>       E.g.:
>>>       <from>
>>>          <foo:extensionToFromSpec />
>>>          <bar:literalFromData />
>>>       </from>
>>>       Here we have two elements of other namespace. One is the
>>>       extension of from-spec. One is the literal data for the
>>>       from-spec. By just looking into the syntax / parse-tree, without
>>>       looking into its semantics, we CANNOT tell which elements fits
>>>       which role!!!
>>>       Paul Brown from FiveSight reported in a similar problem before:
>>>       [ See:
>>>       http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/wsbpel/200410/msg00077.html
>>>       - item (3) ]
>>>     * _Syntax ambiguity in <assign>_
>>>       E.g.:
>>>       <assign>
>>>           <foo:transactionEnabled />
>>>           <foo:xmlDataOp />
>>>           <copy>
>>>              <from>...</from>
>>>              <to>...</to>
>>>           </copy>
>>>       </assign>
>>>       Informal EBNF for assign
>>>       assign ::= <assign> <documentation>* *any** <targets>? <sources>?
>>>                          ( *any* | <copy> )+ </assign>
>>>       As a result of Issue 11.1, under <assign>, we have both an
>>>       extension to <assign> (i.e. <foo:transactionEnabled />) and an
>>>       extended xml manipulation operation (i.e. <foo:xmlDataOp />).
>>>       Again, by just looking into the syntax / parse-tree, we CANNOT
>>>       tell which elements fits which role (*xsd:any*)!!!
>>>       [ One additional caveat is: when the above syntax is mixed with
>>>       source or target control links. Those source and target elements
>>>       will be inserted between <foo:xmlDataOp> and <copy>. This caveat
>>>       was discovered by Yaron.  ]
>>> These ambiguities are definitely undesirable. They are sometimes 
>>> even illegal or creates misleading syntax. The illegal case is known 
>>> as: ambiguous grammar problem. As long as we are using context-free 
>>> grammar (e.g. EBNF) to construct parse tree, it seems to us that we 
>>> cannot escape this clasical ambiguous grammar problem with our 
>>> current extension syntax. In the XSD world, this ambigous grammar  
>>> problem is known as "indeterministic content model", which is 
>>> illegal in XSD.
>>> *_Submitter's Proposal: _*
>>> Some of us have banged our heads to the table to try to resolve this 
>>> problem while keeping  the same level of BPEL extensibility. 
>>> Finally, we think we find the solution: _to apply a syntax pattern 
>>> similar to <xsd:annotation> to BPEL_.
>>> We suggest to have a <annotation> wrapper element to clearly 
>>> separate the element-based extension to any Extensible BPEL 
>>> Construct (bpws:tExtensible). After applying <annotation> pattern, 
>>> the previously ambigous examples would become like the following:
>>> <from>
>>>    *<annotation> *
>>>      <foo:extensionToFromSpec />
>>>    *</annotation>*
>>>    *<literal>*
>>>       <bar:literalFromData />
>>>    *</literal>*
>>> </from>
>>> (We also add <literal> as a separator per Paul Brown's suggestion 
>>> and that will allow use to use any namespace inside the <literal> 
>>> element.)
>>> <assign>
>>>     *<annotation>*
>>>         <foo:transactionEnabled />
>>>     *</annotation>*
>>>     <foo:xmlDataOp />
>>>     <copy>
>>>        <from>...</from>
>>>        <to>...</to>
>>>     </copy>
>>> </assign>
>>> Now those ambigous extension entries are nicely seperated.
>>> Informal EBNF for assign will become:
>>> annotation ::= *<annotation>* <documentation>* *any* <annotation> *
>>> assign ::= <assign> *<annotation>?* <targets>? <sources>?
>>>                    ( *any* | <copy> )+ </assign>
>>> This will solve Issue 111 grammar as well. E.g.:
>>> <sequence>
>>>     *<annotation>*
>>>         <foo:extensionToSeq />
>>>     *</annotation>*
>>>     <foo:barExtendedActivity />
>>>     <invoke ... />
>>>     ...
>>> </sequence>
>>> Please note that this <bpel:annotation> is VERY similarly to 
>>> <xsd:annotation> design pattern. Existing XSD users should have no 
>>> problem in learning this pattern.
>>> _*Details XSD Changes:*_
>>> -----------------------------
>>> *    <element name="annotation">
>>>         <complexType>
>>>             <sequence>
>>>                 <element ref="bpws:documentation" minOccurs="0" 
>>> maxOccurs="unbounded" />
>>>                 <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" 
>>> minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
>>>             </sequence>
>>>         </complexType>
>>>     </element>*
>>>     <complexType name="tExtensibleElements">
>>>         <annotation>
>>>             <documentation>
>>>         This type is extended by other component types
>>>         to allow elements and attributes from
>>>         other namespaces to be added.
>>>        </documentation>
>>>         </annotation>
>>>         <sequence>
>>>             *<element ref="bpws:annotation" minOccurs="0"/>*
>>>         </sequence>
>>>         <anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
>>>     </complexType>
>>> -----------------------------
>>> -----------------------------
>>>     <group name="activity">
>>>         ...
>>>         <choice>
>>>             <element name="empty" type="bpws:tEmpty"/>
>>>             <element name="invoke" type="bpws:tInvoke"/>
>>>             <element name="receive" type="bpws:tReceive"/>
>>>             <element name="reply" type="bpws:tReply"/>
>>>             <element name="assign" type="bpws:tAssign"/>
>>>             <element name="wait" type="bpws:tWait"/>
>>>             <element name="throw" type="bpws:tThrow"/>
>>>             <element name="rethrow" type="bpws:tRethrow"/>
>>>             <element name="exit" type="bpws:tTerminate"/>
>>>             <element name="flow" type="bpws:tFlow"/>
>>>             <element name="switch" type="bpws:tSwitch"/>
>>>             <element name="while" type="bpws:tWhile"/>
>>>             <element name="sequence" type="bpws:tSequence"/>
>>>             <element name="pick" type="bpws:tPick"/>
>>>             <element name="scope" type="bpws:tScope"/>
>>>             <element name="compensate" type="bpws:tCompensate"/>
>>> *            <!-- this xsd:any is for Issue 111, if we pass it -->
>>>             <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" />
>>> *        </choice>
>>>     </group>
>>> -----------------------------
>>> -----------------------------
>>>     <complexType name="tAssign">
>>>         <complexContent>
>>>             <extension base="bpws:tActivity">
>>> *                <!-- for Issue 11.1 -->
>>>                 <choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
>>>                     <element name="copy" type="bpws:tCopy" />
>>>                     <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" />
>>>                 </choice>
>>> *            </extension>
>>>         </complexContent>
>>>     </complexType>
>>> *    <element name="literal">
>>>         <complexType mixed="true">
>>>             <sequence>
>>>                 <any processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" 
>>> maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
>>>             </sequence>
>>>         </complexType>
>>>     </element>*
>>> -----------------------------
>>> -----------------------------
>>>     *<!-- pre 103 --> *
>>>     <complexType name="tFrom">
>>>         <complexContent>
>>>             <extension base="bpws:tExtensibleElements">
>>>                 <sequence>
>>>                     <choice minOccurs="0">
>>> *                        <any namespace="##other" 
>>> processContents="lax" />*
>>>                         <element ref="bpws:query"/>
>>>                         <element ref="bpws:expression"/>
>>>                         <element ref="bpws:service-ref"/>
>>>                         *<element ref="bpws:literal" />*
>>>                     </choice>
>>>                 </sequence>
>>>                 <attribute name="variable" type="NCName"/>
>>>                 <attribute name="part" type="NCName"/>
>>>                 <attribute name="property" type="QName"/>
>>>                 <attribute name="partnerLink" type="NCName"/>
>>>                 <attribute name="endpointReference" 
>>> type="bpws:tRoles"/>
>>>                 <attribute name="opaque" type="bpws:tBoolean"/>
>>>             </extension>
>>>         </complexContent>
>>>     </complexType>
>>>     <element name="to">
>>>         <complexType>
>>>             <complexContent>
>>>                 <restriction base="bpws:tFrom">
>>>                     <sequence>
>>> *                        <element ref="bpws:annotation" 
>>> minOccurs="0"/> *
>>>                         <choice minOccurs="0">
>>>                             <element ref="bpws:query"/>
>>>                         </choice>
>>>                     </sequence>
>>>                     <attribute name="opaque" type="bpws:tBoolean" 
>>> use="prohibited"/>
>>>                     <attribute name="endpointReference" 
>>> type="bpws:tRoles" use="prohibited"/>
>>>                 </restriction>
>>>             </complexContent>
>>>         </complexType>
>>>     </element>
>>> -----------------------------
>>> -----------------------------      *<!-- post 103 -->*
>>>     <complexType name="tFrom" mixed="true">
>>>         <sequence>
>>>             *<element ref="bpws:annotation" minOccurs="0"/>*
>>>             <choice minOccurs="0">
>>>                 *<any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" />
>>>                 <element ref="bpws:literal" />
>>> *                <element ref="bpws:service-ref"/>
>>>             </choice>
>>>         </sequence>
>>>         <attribute name="expressionLanguage" type="anyURI"/>
>>>         <attribute name="variable" type="NCName"/>
>>>         <attribute name="property" type="QName"/>
>>>         <attribute name="partnerLink" type="NCName"/>
>>>         <attribute name="endpointReference" type="bpws:tRoles"/>
>>>         <attribute name="opaque" type="bpws:tBoolean"/>
>>>         <anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
>>>     </complexType>
>>>     <element name="to">
>>>         <complexType mixed="true">
>>>             <sequence>
>>> *                <element ref="bpws:annotation" minOccurs="0"/>
>>>                 <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" 
>>> minOccurs="0" />*
>>>             </sequence>
>>>             <attribute name="queryLanguage" type="anyURI"/>
>>>             <attribute name="variable" type="NCName"/>
>>>             <attribute name="property" type="QName"/>
>>>             <attribute name="partnerLink" type="NCName"/>
>>>             <anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
>>>         </complexType>
>>>     </element>
>>> ----------------------------- 
>>> =============================================
>>> Thanks!
>>> Regards,
>>> Alex Yiu

fn:Assaf Arkin
adr;dom:;;1000 Bridge Parkway Ste 210;Redwood City;CA;94065
title:Chief Architect
tel;work:(650) 596-1800

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