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Subject: FW: Participation in UN/CEFACT TMG (Techniques and Methodologies Group)

Title: Participation in UN/CEFACT TMG (Techniques and Methodologies Group)
FYI - maintaining our relationship with TMG based on potential changes within TMG.

From: John Evdemon
Sent: Thursday, June 02, 2005 12:21 PM
To: 'Stuhec, Gunther'
Cc: Jim Wilson; 'ch@mminf.univie.ac.at'; 'fvuille@attglobal.net'; 'Jean.Kubler@unece.org'; Marion Royal (GSA); Teresa Sorrenti (GSA); Dave Welsh; Klaus-Dieter Naujok
Subject: RE: Participation in UN/CEFACT TMG (Techniques and Methodologies Group)

Good afternoon Gunther,
I was subscribed to the list when Dave Welsh was the liaison contact for UN/CEFACT.  We spoke with Dave about establishing a liaison between the OASIS BPEL TC and TMG.  We have reported on TMG progress in many of our past
 BPEL TC meetings.  I am also interested in sharing the progress of the BPEL TC with TMG.
would like to remain subscribed as an observer to the list in order to maintain contact between the BPEL TC and the TMG (I'm primarily interested in the group's UMM work, not BPSS).
BPEL is fast becoming the technical standard for business process orchestration of Web services based upon industry analyst reviews and vendor/customer adoption.  Every major software vendor in the world is offering or planning to offer BPEL-related products.  I believe there are positive future opportunities for synergy between BPEL and UMM as a way to connect business process modeling with Web services implementations.
Please let me know if you need any additional information.   
John Evdemon
Co-Chair, OASIS WSBPEL Technical Committee

From: Stuhec, Gunther [mailto:gunther.stuhec@sap.com]
Sent: Monday, May 30, 2005 7:02 AM
To: John Evdemon
Cc: Jim Wilson
Subject: Participation in UN/CEFACT TMG (Techniques and Methodologies Group)

Dear John,

in order to reorganizing our UN/CEFACT TMG mailing-lists, I found your name and have also seen that your participation status is unknown. Therefore, I'm asking you very kindly about your intention in future participation in our UN/CEFACT Techniques and Methodologies group.

The TMG primarily develops implementation neutral technologies and methodologies for the modeling of collaborative business processes and business information. This approach for trade facilitation based on simplification and harmonization for unambiguous business collaboration models with respect to their choreography and involved document structures as well as semantics. For this purpose, TMG has established the following groups and projects:

Electronic Business Architecture Working Group (EBAWG) - Chair: Anders W. Tell (mailto:anderst@toolsmiths.se)
        - Electronic Business Architecture Specification - Chair: Anders W. Tell (mailto:anderst@toolsmiths.se)
        - Glossary - Chair: Jim Wilson (mailto:jim.wilson@kcx.com)

Business Process Working Group (BPWG) - Chair: Jens Dietrich (mailto:jens.dietrich@gmx.de)
        - UMM N090 - Introduction - Chair: Christian Huemer (mailto:ch@mminf.univie.ac.at)
        - UMM N091 - Metamodel and Specification - Chair: Christian Huemer (mailto:ch@mminf.univie.ac.at
        - UMM N092 - Methodology and Specification - Chair: Christian Huemer (mailto:ch@mminf.univie.ac.at)
        - UMM N093 - User Guide - Chair: Willian E. McCarthy (mailto:mccarth4@msu.edu)
        - BCSS - Business Collaboration Schema Specification - Chair: Steve Capell (mailto:steve.capell@redwahoo.com)
        - BPSS - Business Process Schema Specification - Chair: Karlson Hsia (mailto:khhsia@iii.org.tw)
        - UBAC - Unified Business Agreements and Contracts - Chair: Anders W. Tell (mailto:anderst@toolsmiths.se)
Core Component Working Group (CCWG) - Chair: Mary Kay Blantz (mailto:blantz@attglobal.net)
        - CCTS Part 1 - Core Component Technical Specification - Chair: Gunther Stuhec (mailto:gunther.stuhec@sap.com)
        - CCTS Part 2 - Message Assembly - Chair: Mary Kay Blantz (mailto:blantz@attglobal.net)
        - CCTS Part 3 - User Guide  - Chair: Mary Kay Blantz (mailto:blantz@attglobal.net)
If you still are interested in joining one or more of our project teams, please send a message to our secretary Jim Wilson <mailto:jim.wilson@kcx.com> or to me. Please send to him:

        - Name all the projects you are willing to join (see above)
        - Kind of participation level you intend to reach (see below)
        - Organization/Company Name and postal address
        - Contact voice phone number
        - Contact e-mail

There are different levels of participation according to the current TMG procedures:
        - P(articipating)-member - These members should participate in the 4 TMG meetings a year and in regularly scheduled project team conference calls.

        - V(irtual)-member - If you do not have the resources to come to face-to-face meetings, we would be happy to welcome you as a V(irtual)-member  participating in our work via telephone conferences and list server discussions

        - G(uest)-member - If you are not sure about joining TMG, we invite you hereby to be a guest or observer, which is known as a G-member.

Next TMG Face-to-Face Meeting
The next TMG Face-to-Face Meeting well be held 06-10 June 2005 at SAP's world headquarters in Walldorf, Germany near Heidelberg. We look forward to your contribution to a successful meeting.

The meeting information (registration, hotel reservation, location, transport, agenda) is now available on the following website: <http://www.untmg.org/walldorf/index.html>

If you plan to attend, please register via registration form in: <http://www.untmg.org/walldorf/index.html> or you can send an email to me <mailto:gunther.stuhec@sap.com> or our secretary Jim Wilson <mailto:jim.wilson@kcx.com > informing him about your intentions with the indication of your name, organization and in which group you'll attend ("Business Process Working Group" or "Core Componenst Working Group)).

Kind regards,

        Gunther Stuhec
        UN/CEFACT TMG Chair

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