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Subject: RE: [wsbpel] Issue - 229 - Fault handling and compensation handling allows selective compensation of child scopes

Hi Yuzo,

Interesting suggestion.

I have one question on your option.  If a user creates a catch block for a
fault or a compensation handler that doesn't use <compensate/> will
compensation handling of child scopes be done before or after the user's
code or not at all?

One disadvantage of the suggestion is that if you have invokes not in a
scope of their own (or declaring a compensation handler of its own) then the
user may need to interleave its compensation with that of child scopes. That
requires the user to dictate the order of compensation which would be
prohibited by this option.  Of course we could say the user must add a
compensation handler directly to the invoke itself for appropriate
interleaving with child scopes, which is probably the lesser of evils.

- Chris

-----Original Message-----
From: Yuzo Fujishima [mailto:fujishima@bc.jp.nec.com] 
Sent: Monday, September 26, 2005 9:32 PM
To: wsbpel@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: Re: [wsbpel] Issue - 229 - Fault handling and compensation handling
allows selective compensation of child scopes


I would like to propose the fifth option:

5. Disallow specifying the target scope for the compensate activity.
   I.e., legal:   <compensate/>
         illegal: <compensate scope="...*/>
   Have the compensation handler of the scope, not the caller,
   decide whether the compensation should be done.


I think the source of the problem is that
the current specification makes the caller of the compensation handlers
decide which scopes should be compensated while only each scope's
compensation handler knows how and if compensation needs to be done.


ws-bpel issues list editor wrote:
> This issue has been added to the wsbpel issue list with a status of 
> "received". The status will be changed to "open" if a motion to open the 
> issue is proposed and that motion is approved by the TC. A motion could 
> also be proposed to close it without further consideration. Otherwise it 
> will remain as "received".
> The issues list is posted as a Technical Committee document to the OASIS 
> WSBPEL TC pages <http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/wsbpel> on 
> a regular basis. The current edition, as a TC document, is the most 
> recent version of the document entitled ** in the "Issues" folder of the 
> WSBPEL TC document list 
> <http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/wsbpel/documents.php> - 
> the next posting as a TC document will include this issue. The list 
> editor's working copy, which will normally include an issue when it is 
> announced, is available at this constant URL 
> <http://www.choreology.com/external/WS_BPEL_issues_list.html>.
>     Issue - 229 - Fault handling and compensation handling allows
>     selective compensation of child scopes
> *Status:* received
> *Date added:* 26 Sep 2005
> *Categories:* Compensation <#category_compensation>
> *Date submitted:* 21 September 2005
> *Submitter:* Chris Keller <mailto:chris.keller@active-endpoints.com>
> *Description:* Currently fault handling and compensation handling allows 
> users to selectively compensate work done by child scopes. This can lead 
> to errors in the process especially as users change their processes over 
> time. In addition it does not seem to be in the spirit of the BPEL fault 
> handling and compensation handling model in general (as well as good 
> modular programming practice). Take the following example:
> <scope name="root">
>    <faultHandlers>
>        <catchAll>
>          <compensate scope="a">
>        </catchAll>
>    </faultHandlers>
>    <compensationHandler>
>        <compensate scope="a">
>    </compensationHandler>
>    <sequence>
>      <scope name="a">
>      ...
>      </scope>
>      <scope name="b">
>      ...
>      </scope>
>      <scope name="c">
>      ...
>      </scope>
> </sequence>
> If a fault is caused by scope "c" the catchAll will only compensate "a" 
> leaving "b" uncompensated. Let's assume programmer 1 created the process 
> and didn't bother to compensate "b" since "b" at that time didn't do any 
> real work. Now programmer 2 picks up that process later and adds real 
> work and a compensation handler for it to scope "b" not realizing that 
> the catchAll will not compensate "b" and that the work will not be 
> compensated.
> Additionally if the real work added to scope "b" was accomplished by 
> programmer 2 by adding a child scope "b1" to "b". Programmer 2 looking 
> at scope "b" may think that default compensation handling is in place 
> and feel safe that their new work will be compensated. Not realizing 
> that the scope "root" has selectively chosen not to compensate "b" and 
> thereby "b1" in the process.
> Possible solutions:
>    1. After user defined fault handling and compensation handling is
>       executed default handling will execute to compensate all other
>       completed child scopes left uncompensated.
>    2. If after user defined fault handling and compensation handling is
>       executed there remains child scopes that have not been compensated
>       throw an bpws:missingCompensation exception.
>    3. Do nothing and say selective compensation is legal and good. And
>       add a note that users should take care when changing business
>       processes to ensure that user defined fault handling and
>       compensation handling call compensate on the child scopes correctly.
>    4. Same as 3 with one exception after a user calls <compensate
>       name="..."> allow them to call <compensate/> which will compensate
>       all remaining child scopes in the default order. This would
>       require changing the following text at the end of section 13.3.3:
>       "Note that the <compensate/> activity in a fault or compensation
>       handler attached to scope S causes the default-order invocation of
>       compensation handlers for completed scopes directly nested within
>       S. The use of this activity can be mixed with any other
>       user-specified behavior except the explicit invocation of
>       <compensate scope="Sx"/> for scope Sx nested directly within S.
>       Explicit invocation of compensation for such a scope nested within
>       S disables the availability of default-order compensation, as
>       expected." 
> *Changes:* 26 Sep 2005 - new issue
> To comment on this issue (including whether it should be accepted), 
> please follow-up to this announcement on the wsbpel@lists.oasis-open.org 
> list (replying to this message should automatically send your message to 
> that list), or ensure the subject line as you send it *starts* "Issue - 
> 229 - [anything]" or is a reply to such a message. If you want to 
> formally propose a resolution to an open issue, please start the subject 
> line "Issue - 229 - Proposed resolution", without any Re: or similar.
> To add a new issue, see the issues procedures document (but the address 
> for new issue submission is the sender of this announcement).
> Choreology Anti virus scan completed

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