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Subject: Re: [wsbpel] Issue - 288 - Clarification of DPE and Sequence

The <invoke> is executed. There is no DPE as there is no link from <empty>
to <invoke>. 11.6.5. shows a similar example. Which place in the spec
suggests that the <invoke> is not executed?

Kind Regards
 Dieter König                                Mail: dieterkoenig@de.ibm.com         IBM Deutschland Entwicklung GmbH
 Senior Technical Staff Member               Tel (office): (+49) 7031-16-3426      Schönaicher Strasse 220
 Architect, Business Process Choreographer   Fax (office): (+49) 7031-16-4890      71032 Böblingen
 Member, Technical Expert Council            Tel (home office): (+49) 7032-201464  Germany

             ws-bpel issues                                            
             list editor                                               
             <peter.furniss@er                                          To
             ebor.co.uk>               wsbpel@lists.oasis-open.org     
             18.05.2006 00:13                                          
                                       [wsbpel] Issue - 288 -          
             Please respond to         Clarification of DPE and Sequence

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Issue - 288 - Clarification of DPE and Sequence

Status: received
Date added: 17 May 2006
Date submitted: 17 May 2006
Submitter: Danny van der Rijn
Description: If an activity in a sequence is skipped due to a
joinCondition, does the next activity get executed?

Consider the following:

<sequence suppressJoinFailure="yes">

          <target ... />

    <invoke .../>

The <empty> activity will never be run. Will the invoke activity get
skipped as well?

I don't think so, but the spec could be interpreted either way.
Changes: 17 May 2006 - new issue

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