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Subject: Groups - Action Item Modified: #0125 Chapter 8.4, PartnerLink variant...

OASIS Web Services Business Process Execution Language (WSBPEL) TC member,

Mr. Thomas Schulze has modified this action item.

Number: #0125
Description: Chapter 8.4, PartnerLink variant...
Owner: Unassigned
Status: Open

Mr. Thomas Schulze  2006-05-22 13:35 GMT
Change the following sentences in the PartnerLink variant paragraph from:
The value myRole means that the endpoint reference of the process with respect to that partnerLink is the source, while the value partnerRole means that the partners endpoint reference for the partnerLink is the source.
The value myRole means that the endpoint reference of the process with respect to that partnerLink is the source. This value is only permitted when the partnerLink specifies the attribute myRole. This restriction MUST be statically enforced. The value partnerRole means that the partners endpoint reference for the partnerLink is the source. This value is only permitted when the partnerLink specifies the attribute partnerRole. This restriction MUST be statically enforced.

Mr. Thomas Schulze  2006-05-22 13:50 GMT
Same for the to side. Change from:
For the to-spec, the assignment is only possible to the partnerRole, hence there is no need to specify the role.
For the to-spec, the assignment is only possible to the partnerRole, hence there is no need to specify the role. Therefore, in the to-spec only partnerLinks are permitted which specify the attribute partnerRole. This restriction MUST be statically enforced.

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- OASIS Open Administration

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