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Subject: [Uarch] MUWS logical model concepts

Title: [Uarch] MUWS logical model concepts

On the last Uarch call I promised to send a logical model formalization in UML. The diagram is attached. The words to PRECEDE the diagram are as follows (assuming the roles of manageability provider and manageability consumer are roughly defined).

The manageability provider may provide many manageable resources, instances of which belong to one instance of the provider. To do this, manageability provider maintains manageability endpoints which provide access to manageable resources. Manageable resource is a resource with a number of manageability capabilities composed into it. Manageability capabilities are explicitly supported by the manageability provider and are offered via manageability endpoints.

The manageability consumers deal with manageable resources. To 'deal with' in this context means to exert control and to obtain and interpret the information. In order to deal with the manageable resource, consumers access manageability endpoints and exrecsise offered manageability capabilities. To 'exercise' in this context means to make use of the distinct semantics defined for a given manageability capability. Technically, it translates into being able to use a distinct group of properties, operations, events and metadata by exchanging messages with the manageability endpoint.

<<MUWS Logical Model.png>>
-- Igor Sedukhin .. (igor.sedukhin@ca.com)
-- (631) 342-4325 .. 1 CA Plaza, Islandia, NY 11788

MUWS Logical Model.png

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