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Subject: [wsia] [wsrp] [wsrp-wsia joint interfaces] agenda for Tuesday 7 May

Tuesday's call will focus on:

1.  Discuss the proposed charter for the subcommittee (see attached)
2.  Review the state of requirements discussions ongoing on the WSIA list.
I'll capture the state of the debate by the end of the day, and forward in
time for the call.  
3.  I've drawn a graphical representation of the lifecycle states we talked
about last week, including descriptive information about the state
transitions.  We can pick up the discussion and begin to sketch the APIs.  
4.  Other items?  

Call-in numbers:
 USA Toll Free Number: 877-718-0936
 USA Toll Number: +1-712-923-6878


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Attachment: wsia-wsrp joint charter.htm
Description: Binary data

Attachment: embedded_lifecycle.jpg
Description: JPEG image

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