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Subject: Re: [wsn] Roles vs. Port Names


Steve Graham
(919)254-0615 (T/L 444)
STSM, On Demand Architecture
Member, IBM Academy of Technology
<Soli Deo Gloria/>

David Hull <dmh@tibco.com> wrote on 08/09/2004 02:56:59 PM:


> > I've been thinking for a while about what might be better, but given that different
> > people process information differently, there is no objectively clear choice.  
> Indeed. No objectively clear choice on a different naming convention, so lets stick
> with the convention we have, warts and all.

> I don't think that follows at all.  The current NotificationProducer does not
> produce notifications

Well, some component associated with the NP does produce the notifications, essentially
this is what the ProducerReference component of the Notify message is supposed to refer to.

>and the current SubscriptionManager does not manage
> subscriptions, at least not in the common sense of managing a collection of
> subscriptions.  

Indeed, well, The SM does manage a collection of Subscription WS-Resources, at least
it manages their access.  However, I would not be totally against renaming
SubscriptionManager to Subscription.

> There may be no objective best name, but that doesn't mean that the
> current names can't be improved.
> The current names have been a stumbling block for several people, myself included,
> trying to understand the architecture.  This may not seem to be such an issue since
> everyone here is presumably now familiar with the architecture, but I believe they
> are continuing to be a stumbling block in discussing the architecture.  In any
> case, it is liable to be an issue again when the documents are published to a wideraudience.

Maybe, I would appreciate others indicating whether the naming convention is confusing to them.

> FWIW, I've manage to re-align my mental image of "producer" more along the lines of
> a movie or music producer, in the sense of "party who makes things happen but
> doesn't necessarily have a direct hand in proceedings," but that's clearly a
> crutch.  No such luck on "SubscriptionManager" (maybe it should get 10% of every
> Notification? :-)

Not a crutch at all.  A Web service interface may be the facade to a large network of
collaborating implementation objects.

> In any case, "SubscriptionFactory" and "Subscription" are not just a little clearer
> to me, they're night-and-day clearer.  Part of this is surely subjective, but there
> is also a well established convention of calling "thing you use to create X" an
> XFactory, and calling the entity you use to access notification streams a "Subscription."

And if Subscription creation was ALL that NP did, then I would buy your rename argument.
Unfortunately NP does more than just create subscriptions.

> Indeed, operation names such as "ResumeSubscription" and text such as "if the
> Subscription is not in the paused state" suggest that the standards authors see the
> object as a subscription.  

More precisely, the Ws-REsource created as a result of processing a subscribe request
is a WS-Resource.  Object is too loaded a term in certain circles.

>If I understand correctly, the whole point of using the
> IRP is that you're addressing messages to the managed resource directly, and not to
> some intermediate object.  

Well, sort of.  IRP does clarify the relationship between a Web service and a stateful resource.
However, we don't preclude the message being manipulated by intermediaries.

>One does not send "GetResouceProperty" to a
> "NotificationProducerManager" to find out about a NotificationProducer.  Why is
> SubscriptionManager different?

Because an NP doesn't necessarily manage Notification Producers, whereas an SM does
manage Subscription WS-Resources. FWIW, the NP was one of the original cases that suggested
the (now infamous) singleton resource pattern.


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