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Subject: RE: [wsn] Re: [wsdm] Proposed requirement from WSDM

Title: Message
Yes, this is a hard part. On solution is to drop the "must comply to the schema" requirement, for example by saying that this subscribe option can only be used on topics that contain "xsd:Any" in their associated "messageType" attribute.
Another option is to say that this allows you to drop elements that have a minOccurs of zero. Maybe to keep it simple we also say that these elements must be direct children of the root. Or maybe we let them be anywhere.
We can try to come up with solutions to this. But the first order of business is for this group to decide whether to open an issue on this requirement from WSDM.

From: Ugo Corda [mailto:UCorda@SeeBeyond.com]
Sent: Thursday, September 09, 2004 11:29 AM
To: Steve Graham; Vambenepe, William N
Cc: wsdm@lists.oasis-open.org; wsn@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: RE: [wsn] Re: [wsdm] Proposed requirement from WSDM

> It will, of course be very tricky to make sure that the "pattern" expressed will end up with a notification message that is
> still validatable with respect to the message schema. 

I had the same type of reaction when reading the requirement. How do you guys in WSDM make a server accept messages that do not comply with the WSDL schema specified for the complete message? Do you also define submessage schemas in the WSDL?
Thank you,
-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Graham [mailto:sggraham@us.ibm.com]
Sent: Thursday, September 09, 2004 11:08 AM
To: Vambenepe, William N
Cc: wsdm@lists.oasis-open.org; wsn@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: [wsn] Re: [wsdm] Proposed requirement from WSDM

So this is kinda like a very strongly applied filter expression?
Right now, the selector specifies a pattern that MUST be met in order for the entire message to be sent.

If I understand this requirement, it is an additional "expression" on the subscribe, but stating the pattern of the notification itself, ie the elements that must
appear on the notification and no more than those elements specified.

It will, of course be very tricky to make sure that the "pattern" expressed will end up with a notification message that is still validatable with respect
to the message schema.


Steve Graham
(919)254-0615 (T/L 444)
STSM, On Demand Architecture
Member, IBM Academy of Technology
<Soli Deo Gloria/>

"Vambenepe, William N" <vbp@hp.com>

09/09/2004 01:34 PM

[wsdm] Proposed requirement from WSDM

Dear WSNers,

The WSDM TC would like to submit the following requirement to WSN:

"Add the option, when subscribing for notification, to specify that only
parts of the message should be sent. Note that the message that is sent
still needs to be schema-valid for the schema of the message."

The reasoning behind this requirement is that the content of the
notification message can get very large and in some cases only a subset
of this is of interest to the consumer. And in some cases, the
notification producer doesn't know what parts of the notification the
consumer is interested in, but the subscriber knows. So it should be
possible for the subscriber to express this in the subscription.

The WSDM TC would like WSN to add this to the WSN issues list.



PS: doesn't it make us all feel good that Outlook wants to correct
"WSNers" to "Winners" on the first line of this email? ;-)

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