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Subject: Cross post: [wsdm] Ws-addressing version

Please see the email discussion on WSDM included below.

I recall discussing the issue of moving WSN to the W3C Member submission version of WS-Addressing at the Oct f2f.  But the minutes seem to include only the soap:Action/wsa:Action resolution (ie the stuff related to WSRF issue #30).

WSRF 43 was resolved, instructing the editors of the WSRF specs to move to the W3C Member submission version.

WS-Resource [1] makes a normative reference to the W3C Member submission version of WS-Addressing.

I suggest that we amend the resolution of WSN 2.15 from:
"Agreed Approach: Editors to borrow text from the WS-RF issue #30 resolution."


"Agreed Approach: Editors to borrow text from the WS-RF issue #30 resolution and the WS-RF issue #43 resolution."


Steve Graham
(919)254-0615 (T/L 444)
STSM, On Demand Architecture
Member, IBM Academy of Technology
<Soli Deo Gloria/>

----- Forwarded by Steve Graham/Raleigh/IBM on 11/17/2004 07:36 AM -----
Steve Graham/Raleigh/IBM@IBMUS

11/17/2004 07:27 AM

"Vambenepe, William N" <vbp@hp.com>
Re: [wsdm] Ws-addressing version

I believe it is preferable to move WSDM to reference the W3C member submission version of WSA.  
I believe that WSN and WSRF are doing that anyway.

In WSRF, issue WSRF43 [1] was resolved at the Oct F2F, with the resolution being:

Update specifications that reference WS-Addressing to refer to the version submitted to the W3C. This includes all namespace references and examples. Make sure to update the WSDL and schema in addition to the specification text. The version to reference is the August 2004 version submitted to the W3C."

In WSN, issue WSN2.15 [2] was also resolved at the Oct F2F, with the resolution being:

Agreed Approach: Editors to borrow text from the WS-RF issue #30 resolution."

Now, WSRF30 is a slightly different issue (deals with use of wsa:Action MIH), but WSRF30 cross references WSRF43.  I suspect that the resolution to WSN2.15 should reference WSRF43, but that seems to be a matter we should take up with the WSN TC.

[1] http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/wsrf/download.php/10042/WSRF_IssuesList.doc

[2] http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/wsn/download.php/9948/WSN_IssuesList1.75.doc

Steve Graham
(919)254-0615 (T/L 444)
STSM, On Demand Architecture
Member, IBM Academy of Technology
<Soli Deo Gloria/>

"Vambenepe, William N" <vbp@hp.com>

11/17/2004 01:00 AM

[wsdm] Ws-addressing version

What version of WS-Addressing do we want to reference? The one submitted
to W3C in August? Or the one used by version 1.2 of the WSRF/WSN specs
(that'd the March 2003 one, two versions older than the W3C-submitted

On the one hand it would make sense to align with the one used by WSRF,
on the other hand it seems a bit silly for a new spec like ours to
reference such an old version.



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